Source code for astroid.node_classes

# Copyright (c) 2009-2011, 2013-2014 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE) <>
# Copyright (c) 2010 Daniel Harding <>
# Copyright (c) 2012 FELD Boris <>
# Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Google, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Claudiu Popa <>
# Copyright (c) 2014 Eevee (Alex Munroe) <>
# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Ceridwen <>
# Copyright (c) 2015 Florian Bruhin <>
# Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Derek Gustafson <>
# Copyright (c) 2016 Jared Garst <>
# Copyright (c) 2016 Jakub Wilk <>
# Copyright (c) 2016 Dave Baum <>
# Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Ashley Whetter <>
# Copyright (c) 2017, 2019 Łukasz Rogalski <>
# Copyright (c) 2017 rr- <>
# Copyright (c) 2018-2021 hippo91 <>
# Copyright (c) 2018 Bryce Guinta <>
# Copyright (c) 2018 Nick Drozd <>
# Copyright (c) 2018 Ville Skyttä <>
# Copyright (c) 2018 brendanator <>
# Copyright (c) 2018 HoverHell <>
# Copyright (c) 2019 kavins14 <>
# Copyright (c) 2019 kavins14 <>
# Copyright (c) 2020 Raphael Gaschignard <>
# Copyright (c) 2020 Bryce Guinta <>
# Copyright (c) 2021 Andrew Haigh <>
# Copyright (c) 2021 Marc Mueller <>
# Copyright (c) 2021 Pierre Sassoulas <>
# Copyright (c) 2021 Federico Bond <>

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"""Module for some node classes. More nodes in"""

import abc
import builtins as builtins_mod
import itertools
import pprint
import sys
import typing
from functools import lru_cache
from functools import singledispatch as _singledispatch

from astroid import as_string, bases
from astroid import context as contextmod
from astroid import decorators, exceptions, manager, mixins, util

    from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
    # typing.Literal was added in Python 3.8
    from typing_extensions import Literal

BUILTINS = builtins_mod.__name__
MANAGER = manager.AstroidManager()
PY38 = sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 8)

def _is_const(value):
    return isinstance(value, tuple(CONST_CLS))

def unpack_infer(stmt, context=None):
    """recursively generate nodes inferred by the given statement.
    If the inferred value is a list or a tuple, recurse on the elements
    if isinstance(stmt, (List, Tuple)):
        for elt in stmt.elts:
            if elt is util.Uninferable:
                yield elt
            yield from unpack_infer(elt, context)
        return dict(node=stmt, context=context)
    # if inferred is a final node, return it and stop
    inferred = next(stmt.infer(context))
    if inferred is stmt:
        yield inferred
        return dict(node=stmt, context=context)
    # else, infer recursively, except Uninferable object that should be returned as is
    for inferred in stmt.infer(context):
        if inferred is util.Uninferable:
            yield inferred
            yield from unpack_infer(inferred, context)

    return dict(node=stmt, context=context)

def are_exclusive(
    stmt1, stmt2, exceptions=None
):  # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
    """return true if the two given statements are mutually exclusive

    `exceptions` may be a list of exception names. If specified, discard If
    branches and check one of the statement is in an exception handler catching
    one of the given exceptions.

    algorithm :
     1) index stmt1's parents
     2) climb among stmt2's parents until we find a common parent
     3) if the common parent is a If or TryExcept statement, look if nodes are
        in exclusive branches
    # index stmt1's parents
    stmt1_parents = {}
    children = {}
    node = stmt1.parent
    previous = stmt1
    while node:
        stmt1_parents[node] = 1
        children[node] = previous
        previous = node
        node = node.parent
    # climb among stmt2's parents until we find a common parent
    node = stmt2.parent
    previous = stmt2
    while node:
        if node in stmt1_parents:
            # if the common parent is a If or TryExcept statement, look if
            # nodes are in exclusive branches
            if isinstance(node, If) and exceptions is None:
                if (
                    is not node.locate_child(children[node])[1]
                    return True
            elif isinstance(node, TryExcept):
                c2attr, c2node = node.locate_child(previous)
                c1attr, c1node = node.locate_child(children[node])
                if c1node is not c2node:
                    first_in_body_caught_by_handlers = (
                        c2attr == "handlers"
                        and c1attr == "body"
                        and previous.catch(exceptions)
                    second_in_body_caught_by_handlers = (
                        c2attr == "body"
                        and c1attr == "handlers"
                        and children[node].catch(exceptions)
                    first_in_else_other_in_handlers = (
                        c2attr == "handlers" and c1attr == "orelse"
                    second_in_else_other_in_handlers = (
                        c2attr == "orelse" and c1attr == "handlers"
                    if any(
                        return True
                elif c2attr == "handlers" and c1attr == "handlers":
                    return previous is not children[node]
            return False
        previous = node
        node = node.parent
    return False

# getitem() helpers.

_SLICE_SENTINEL = object()

def _slice_value(index, context=None):
    """Get the value of the given slice index."""

    if isinstance(index, Const):
        if isinstance(index.value, (int, type(None))):
            return index.value
    elif index is None:
        return None
        # Try to infer what the index actually is.
        # Since we can't return all the possible values,
        # we'll stop at the first possible value.
            inferred = next(index.infer(context=context))
        except exceptions.InferenceError:
            if isinstance(inferred, Const):
                if isinstance(inferred.value, (int, type(None))):
                    return inferred.value

    # Use a sentinel, because None can be a valid
    # value that this function can return,
    # as it is the case for unspecified bounds.
    return _SLICE_SENTINEL

def _infer_slice(node, context=None):
    lower = _slice_value(node.lower, context)
    upper = _slice_value(node.upper, context)
    step = _slice_value(node.step, context)
    if all(elem is not _SLICE_SENTINEL for elem in (lower, upper, step)):
        return slice(lower, upper, step)

    raise exceptions.AstroidTypeError(
        message="Could not infer slice used in subscript",

def _container_getitem(instance, elts, index, context=None):
    """Get a slice or an item, using the given *index*, for the given sequence."""
        if isinstance(index, Slice):
            index_slice = _infer_slice(index, context=context)
            new_cls = instance.__class__()
            new_cls.elts = elts[index_slice]
            new_cls.parent = instance.parent
            return new_cls
        if isinstance(index, Const):
            return elts[index.value]
    except IndexError as exc:
        raise exceptions.AstroidIndexError(
            message="Index {index!s} out of range",
        ) from exc
    except TypeError as exc:
        raise exceptions.AstroidTypeError(
            message="Type error {error!r}", node=instance, index=index, context=context
        ) from exc

    raise exceptions.AstroidTypeError("Could not use %s as subscript index" % index)

    op: precedence
    for precedence, ops in enumerate(
            ["Lambda"],  # lambda x: x + 1
            ["IfExp"],  # 1 if True else 2
            ["Compare"],  # in, not in, is, is not, <, <=, >, >=, !=, ==
            ["<<", ">>"],
            ["+", "-"],
            ["*", "@", "/", "//", "%"],
            ["UnaryOp"],  # +, -, ~
    for op in ops

[docs]class NodeNG: """A node of the new Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). This is the base class for all Astroid node classes. """ is_statement = False """Whether this node indicates a statement. :type: bool """ optional_assign = False # True for For (and for Comprehension if py <3.0) """Whether this node optionally assigns a variable. This is for loop assignments because loop won't necessarily perform an assignment if the loop has no iterations. This is also the case from comprehensions in Python 2. :type: bool """ is_function = False # True for FunctionDef nodes """Whether this node indicates a function. :type: bool """ is_lambda = False # Attributes below are set by the builder module or by raw factories lineno = None """The line that this node appears on in the source code. :type: int or None """ col_offset = None """The column that this node appears on in the source code. :type: int or None """ parent = None """The parent node in the syntax tree. :type: NodeNG or None """ _astroid_fields = () """Node attributes that contain child nodes. This is redefined in most concrete classes. :type: tuple(str) """ _other_fields = () """Node attributes that do not contain child nodes. :type: tuple(str) """ _other_other_fields = () """Attributes that contain AST-dependent fields. :type: tuple(str) """ # instance specific inference function infer(node, context) _explicit_inference = None def __init__(self, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): """ :param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code. :type lineno: int or None :param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the source code. :type col_offset: int or None :param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree. :type parent: NodeNG or None """ self.lineno = lineno self.col_offset = col_offset self.parent = parent
[docs] def infer(self, context=None, **kwargs): """Get a generator of the inferred values. This is the main entry point to the inference system. .. seealso:: :ref:`inference` If the instance has some explicit inference function set, it will be called instead of the default interface. :returns: The inferred values. :rtype: iterable """ if context is not None: context = context.extra_context.get(self, context) if self._explicit_inference is not None: # explicit_inference is not bound, give it self explicitly try: # pylint: disable=not-callable results = tuple(self._explicit_inference(self, context, **kwargs)) if context is not None: context.nodes_inferred += len(results) yield from results return except exceptions.UseInferenceDefault: pass if not context: # nodes_inferred? yield from self._infer(context, **kwargs) return key = (self, context.lookupname, context.callcontext, context.boundnode) if key in context.inferred: yield from context.inferred[key] return generator = self._infer(context, **kwargs) results = [] # Limit inference amount to help with performance issues with # exponentially exploding possible results. limit = MANAGER.max_inferable_values for i, result in enumerate(generator): if i >= limit or (context.nodes_inferred > context.max_inferred): yield util.Uninferable break results.append(result) yield result context.nodes_inferred += 1 # Cache generated results for subsequent inferences of the # same node using the same context context.inferred[key] = tuple(results) return
def _repr_name(self): """Get a name for nice representation. This is either :attr:`name`, :attr:`attrname`, or the empty string. :returns: The nice name. :rtype: str """ names = {"name", "attrname"} if all(name not in self._astroid_fields for name in names): return getattr(self, "name", getattr(self, "attrname", "")) return "" def __str__(self): rname = self._repr_name() cname = type(self).__name__ if rname: string = "%(cname)s.%(rname)s(%(fields)s)" alignment = len(cname) + len(rname) + 2 else: string = "%(cname)s(%(fields)s)" alignment = len(cname) + 1 result = [] for field in self._other_fields + self._astroid_fields: value = getattr(self, field) width = 80 - len(field) - alignment lines = pprint.pformat(value, indent=2, width=width).splitlines(True) inner = [lines[0]] for line in lines[1:]: inner.append(" " * alignment + line) result.append("{}={}".format(field, "".join(inner))) return string % { "cname": cname, "rname": rname, "fields": (",\n" + " " * alignment).join(result), } def __repr__(self): rname = self._repr_name() if rname: string = "<%(cname)s.%(rname)s l.%(lineno)s at 0x%(id)x>" else: string = "<%(cname)s l.%(lineno)s at 0x%(id)x>" return string % { "cname": type(self).__name__, "rname": rname, "lineno": self.fromlineno, "id": id(self), }
[docs] def accept(self, visitor): """Visit this node using the given visitor.""" func = getattr(visitor, "visit_" + self.__class__.__name__.lower()) return func(self)
[docs] def get_children(self): """Get the child nodes below this node. :returns: The children. :rtype: iterable(NodeNG) """ for field in self._astroid_fields: attr = getattr(self, field) if attr is None: continue if isinstance(attr, (list, tuple)): yield from attr else: yield attr
[docs] def last_child(self): """An optimized version of list(get_children())[-1] :returns: The last child, or None if no children exist. :rtype: NodeNG or None """ for field in self._astroid_fields[::-1]: attr = getattr(self, field) if not attr: # None or empty listy / tuple continue if isinstance(attr, (list, tuple)): return attr[-1] return attr return None
[docs] def parent_of(self, node): """Check if this node is the parent of the given node. :param node: The node to check if it is the child. :type node: NodeNG :returns: True if this node is the parent of the given node, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ parent = node.parent while parent is not None: if self is parent: return True parent = parent.parent return False
[docs] def statement(self): """The first parent node, including self, marked as statement node. :returns: The first parent statement. :rtype: NodeNG """ if self.is_statement: return self return self.parent.statement()
[docs] def frame(self): """The first parent frame node. A frame node is a :class:`Module`, :class:`FunctionDef`, or :class:`ClassDef`. :returns: The first parent frame node. :rtype: Module or FunctionDef or ClassDef """ return self.parent.frame()
[docs] def scope(self): """The first parent node defining a new scope. :returns: The first parent scope node. :rtype: Module or FunctionDef or ClassDef or Lambda or GenExpr """ if self.parent: return self.parent.scope() return None
[docs] def root(self): """Return the root node of the syntax tree. :returns: The root node. :rtype: Module """ if self.parent: return self.parent.root() return self
[docs] def child_sequence(self, child): """Search for the sequence that contains this child. :param child: The child node to search sequences for. :type child: NodeNG :returns: The sequence containing the given child node. :rtype: iterable(NodeNG) :raises AstroidError: If no sequence could be found that contains the given child. """ for field in self._astroid_fields: node_or_sequence = getattr(self, field) if node_or_sequence is child: return [node_or_sequence] # /!\ compiler.ast Nodes have an __iter__ walking over child nodes if ( isinstance(node_or_sequence, (tuple, list)) and child in node_or_sequence ): return node_or_sequence msg = "Could not find %s in %s's children" raise exceptions.AstroidError(msg % (repr(child), repr(self)))
[docs] def locate_child(self, child): """Find the field of this node that contains the given child. :param child: The child node to search fields for. :type child: NodeNG :returns: A tuple of the name of the field that contains the child, and the sequence or node that contains the child node. :rtype: tuple(str, iterable(NodeNG) or NodeNG) :raises AstroidError: If no field could be found that contains the given child. """ for field in self._astroid_fields: node_or_sequence = getattr(self, field) # /!\ compiler.ast Nodes have an __iter__ walking over child nodes if child is node_or_sequence: return field, child if ( isinstance(node_or_sequence, (tuple, list)) and child in node_or_sequence ): return field, node_or_sequence msg = "Could not find %s in %s's children" raise exceptions.AstroidError(msg % (repr(child), repr(self)))
# FIXME : should we merge child_sequence and locate_child ? locate_child # is only used in are_exclusive, child_sequence one time in pylint.
[docs] def next_sibling(self): """The next sibling statement node. :returns: The next sibling statement node. :rtype: NodeNG or None """ return self.parent.next_sibling()
[docs] def previous_sibling(self): """The previous sibling statement. :returns: The previous sibling statement node. :rtype: NodeNG or None """ return self.parent.previous_sibling()
# these are lazy because they're relatively expensive to compute for every # single node, and they rarely get looked at @decorators.cachedproperty def fromlineno(self): """The first line that this node appears on in the source code. :type: int or None """ if self.lineno is None: return self._fixed_source_line() return self.lineno @decorators.cachedproperty def tolineno(self): """The last line that this node appears on in the source code. :type: int or None """ if not self._astroid_fields: # can't have children lastchild = None else: lastchild = self.last_child() if lastchild is None: return self.fromlineno return lastchild.tolineno def _fixed_source_line(self): """Attempt to find the line that this node appears on. We need this method since not all nodes have :attr:`lineno` set. :returns: The line number of this node, or None if this could not be determined. :rtype: int or None """ line = self.lineno _node = self try: while line is None: _node = next(_node.get_children()) line = _node.lineno except StopIteration: _node = self.parent while _node and line is None: line = _node.lineno _node = _node.parent return line
[docs] def block_range(self, lineno): """Get a range from the given line number to where this node ends. :param lineno: The line number to start the range at. :type lineno: int :returns: The range of line numbers that this node belongs to, starting at the given line number. :rtype: tuple(int, int or None) """ return lineno, self.tolineno
[docs] def set_local(self, name, stmt): """Define that the given name is declared in the given statement node. This definition is stored on the parent scope node. .. seealso:: :meth:`scope` :param name: The name that is being defined. :type name: str :param stmt: The statement that defines the given name. :type stmt: NodeNG """ self.parent.set_local(name, stmt)
[docs] def nodes_of_class(self, klass, skip_klass=None): """Get the nodes (including this one or below) of the given types. :param klass: The types of node to search for. :type klass: builtins.type or tuple(builtins.type) :param skip_klass: The types of node to ignore. This is useful to ignore subclasses of :attr:`klass`. :type skip_klass: builtins.type or tuple(builtins.type) :returns: The node of the given types. :rtype: iterable(NodeNG) """ if isinstance(self, klass): yield self if skip_klass is None: for child_node in self.get_children(): yield from child_node.nodes_of_class(klass, skip_klass) return for child_node in self.get_children(): if isinstance(child_node, skip_klass): continue yield from child_node.nodes_of_class(klass, skip_klass)
@decorators.cached def _get_assign_nodes(self): return [] def _get_name_nodes(self): for child_node in self.get_children(): yield from child_node._get_name_nodes() def _get_return_nodes_skip_functions(self): yield from () def _get_yield_nodes_skip_lambdas(self): yield from () def _infer_name(self, frame, name): # overridden for ImportFrom, Import, Global, TryExcept and Arguments pass def _infer(self, context=None): """we don't know how to resolve a statement by default""" # this method is overridden by most concrete classes raise exceptions.InferenceError( "No inference function for {node!r}.", node=self, context=context )
[docs] def inferred(self): """Get a list of the inferred values. .. seealso:: :ref:`inference` :returns: The inferred values. :rtype: list """ return list(self.infer())
[docs] def instantiate_class(self): """Instantiate an instance of the defined class. .. note:: On anything other than a :class:`ClassDef` this will return self. :returns: An instance of the defined class. :rtype: object """ return self
[docs] def has_base(self, node): """Check if this node inherits from the given type. :param node: The node defining the base to look for. Usually this is a :class:`Name` node. :type node: NodeNG """ return False
[docs] def callable(self): """Whether this node defines something that is callable. :returns: True if this defines something that is callable, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return False
[docs] def eq(self, value): return False
[docs] def as_string(self): """Get the source code that this node represents. :returns: The source code. :rtype: str """ return as_string.to_code(self)
[docs] def repr_tree( self, ids=False, include_linenos=False, ast_state=False, indent=" ", max_depth=0, max_width=80, ) -> str: """Get a string representation of the AST from this node. :param ids: If true, includes the ids with the node type names. :type ids: bool :param include_linenos: If true, includes the line numbers and column offsets. :type include_linenos: bool :param ast_state: If true, includes information derived from the whole AST like local and global variables. :type ast_state: bool :param indent: A string to use to indent the output string. :type indent: str :param max_depth: If set to a positive integer, won't return nodes deeper than max_depth in the string. :type max_depth: int :param max_width: Attempt to format the output string to stay within this number of characters, but can exceed it under some circumstances. Only positive integer values are valid, the default is 80. :type max_width: int :returns: The string representation of the AST. :rtype: str """ @_singledispatch def _repr_tree(node, result, done, cur_indent="", depth=1): """Outputs a representation of a non-tuple/list, non-node that's contained within an AST, including strings. """ lines = pprint.pformat( node, width=max(max_width - len(cur_indent), 1) ).splitlines(True) result.append(lines[0]) result.extend([cur_indent + line for line in lines[1:]]) return len(lines) != 1 # pylint: disable=unused-variable,useless-suppression; doesn't understand singledispatch @_repr_tree.register(tuple) @_repr_tree.register(list) def _repr_seq(node, result, done, cur_indent="", depth=1): """Outputs a representation of a sequence that's contained within an AST.""" cur_indent += indent result.append("[") if not node: broken = False elif len(node) == 1: broken = _repr_tree(node[0], result, done, cur_indent, depth) elif len(node) == 2: broken = _repr_tree(node[0], result, done, cur_indent, depth) if not broken: result.append(", ") else: result.append(",\n") result.append(cur_indent) broken = _repr_tree(node[1], result, done, cur_indent, depth) or broken else: result.append("\n") result.append(cur_indent) for child in node[:-1]: _repr_tree(child, result, done, cur_indent, depth) result.append(",\n") result.append(cur_indent) _repr_tree(node[-1], result, done, cur_indent, depth) broken = True result.append("]") return broken # pylint: disable=unused-variable,useless-suppression; doesn't understand singledispatch @_repr_tree.register(NodeNG) def _repr_node(node, result, done, cur_indent="", depth=1): """Outputs a strings representation of an astroid node.""" if node in done: result.append( indent + "<Recursion on {} with id={}".format( type(node).__name__, id(node) ) ) return False done.add(node) if max_depth and depth > max_depth: result.append("...") return False depth += 1 cur_indent += indent if ids: result.append(f"{type(node).__name__}<0x{id(node):x}>(\n") else: result.append("%s(" % type(node).__name__) fields = [] if include_linenos: fields.extend(("lineno", "col_offset")) fields.extend(node._other_fields) fields.extend(node._astroid_fields) if ast_state: fields.extend(node._other_other_fields) if not fields: broken = False elif len(fields) == 1: result.append("%s=" % fields[0]) broken = _repr_tree( getattr(node, fields[0]), result, done, cur_indent, depth ) else: result.append("\n") result.append(cur_indent) for field in fields[:-1]: result.append("%s=" % field) _repr_tree(getattr(node, field), result, done, cur_indent, depth) result.append(",\n") result.append(cur_indent) result.append("%s=" % fields[-1]) _repr_tree(getattr(node, fields[-1]), result, done, cur_indent, depth) broken = True result.append(")") return broken result = [] _repr_tree(self, result, set()) return "".join(result)
[docs] def bool_value(self, context=None): """Determine the boolean value of this node. The boolean value of a node can have three possible values: * False: For instance, empty data structures, False, empty strings, instances which return explicitly False from the __nonzero__ / __bool__ method. * True: Most of constructs are True by default: classes, functions, modules etc * Uninferable: The inference engine is uncertain of the node's value. :returns: The boolean value of this node. :rtype: bool or Uninferable """ return util.Uninferable
[docs] def op_precedence(self): # Look up by class name or default to highest precedence return OP_PRECEDENCE.get(self.__class__.__name__, len(OP_PRECEDENCE))
[docs] def op_left_associative(self): # Everything is left associative except `**` and IfExp return True
[docs]class Statement(NodeNG): """Statement node adding a few attributes""" is_statement = True """Whether this node indicates a statement. :type: bool """
[docs] def next_sibling(self): """The next sibling statement node. :returns: The next sibling statement node. :rtype: NodeNG or None """ stmts = self.parent.child_sequence(self) index = stmts.index(self) try: return stmts[index + 1] except IndexError: return None
[docs] def previous_sibling(self): """The previous sibling statement. :returns: The previous sibling statement node. :rtype: NodeNG or None """ stmts = self.parent.child_sequence(self) index = stmts.index(self) if index >= 1: return stmts[index - 1] return None
[docs]class _BaseContainer( mixins.ParentAssignTypeMixin, NodeNG, bases.Instance, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta ): """Base class for Set, FrozenSet, Tuple and List.""" _astroid_fields = ("elts",) def __init__(self, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): """ :param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code. :type lineno: int or None :param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the source code. :type col_offset: int or None :param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree. :type parent: NodeNG or None """ self.elts = [] """The elements in the node. :type: list(NodeNG) """ super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent)
[docs] def postinit(self, elts): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param elts: The list of elements the that node contains. :type elts: list(NodeNG) """ self.elts = elts
[docs] @classmethod def from_elements(cls, elts=None): """Create a node of this type from the given list of elements. :param elts: The list of elements that the node should contain. :type elts: list(NodeNG) :returns: A new node containing the given elements. :rtype: NodeNG """ node = cls() if elts is None: node.elts = [] else: node.elts = [const_factory(e) if _is_const(e) else e for e in elts] return node
[docs] def itered(self): """An iterator over the elements this node contains. :returns: The contents of this node. :rtype: iterable(NodeNG) """ return self.elts
[docs] def bool_value(self, context=None): """Determine the boolean value of this node. :returns: The boolean value of this node. :rtype: bool or Uninferable """ return bool(self.elts)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def pytype(self): """Get the name of the type that this node represents. :returns: The name of the type. :rtype: str """
[docs] def get_children(self): yield from self.elts
[docs]class LookupMixIn: """Mixin to look up a name in the right scope."""
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=None) def lookup(self, name): """Lookup where the given variable is assigned. The lookup starts from self's scope. If self is not a frame itself and the name is found in the inner frame locals, statements will be filtered to remove ignorable statements according to self's location. :param name: The name of the variable to find assignments for. :type name: str :returns: The scope node and the list of assignments associated to the given name according to the scope where it has been found (locals, globals or builtin). :rtype: tuple(str, list(NodeNG)) """ return self.scope().scope_lookup(self, name)
[docs] def ilookup(self, name): """Lookup the inferred values of the given variable. :param name: The variable name to find values for. :type name: str :returns: The inferred values of the statements returned from :meth:`lookup`. :rtype: iterable """ frame, stmts = self.lookup(name) context = contextmod.InferenceContext() return bases._infer_stmts(stmts, context, frame)
def _get_filtered_node_statements(self, nodes): statements = [(node, node.statement()) for node in nodes] # Next we check if we have ExceptHandlers that are parent # of the underlying variable, in which case the last one survives if len(statements) > 1 and all( isinstance(stmt, ExceptHandler) for _, stmt in statements ): statements = [ (node, stmt) for node, stmt in statements if stmt.parent_of(self) ] return statements def _filter_stmts(self, stmts, frame, offset): """Filter the given list of statements to remove ignorable statements. If self is not a frame itself and the name is found in the inner frame locals, statements will be filtered to remove ignorable statements according to self's location. :param stmts: The statements to filter. :type stmts: list(NodeNG) :param frame: The frame that all of the given statements belong to. :type frame: NodeNG :param offset: The line offset to filter statements up to. :type offset: int :returns: The filtered statements. :rtype: list(NodeNG) """ # if offset == -1, my actual frame is not the inner frame but its parent # # class A(B): pass # # we need this to resolve B correctly if offset == -1: myframe = self.frame().parent.frame() else: myframe = self.frame() # If the frame of this node is the same as the statement # of this node, then the node is part of a class or # a function definition and the frame of this node should be the # the upper frame, not the frame of the definition. # For more information why this is important, # see Pylint issue #295. # For example, for 'b', the statement is the same # as the frame / scope: # # def test(b=1): # ... if self.statement() is myframe and myframe.parent: myframe = myframe.parent.frame() mystmt = self.statement() # line filtering if we are in the same frame # # take care node may be missing lineno information (this is the case for # nodes inserted for living objects) if myframe is frame and mystmt.fromlineno is not None: assert mystmt.fromlineno is not None, mystmt mylineno = mystmt.fromlineno + offset else: # disabling lineno filtering mylineno = 0 _stmts = [] _stmt_parents = [] statements = self._get_filtered_node_statements(stmts) for node, stmt in statements: # line filtering is on and we have reached our location, break if stmt.fromlineno and stmt.fromlineno > mylineno > 0: break # Ignore decorators with the same name as the # decorated function # Fixes issue #375 if mystmt is stmt and is_from_decorator(self): continue assert hasattr(node, "assign_type"), ( node, node.scope(), node.scope().locals, ) assign_type = node.assign_type() if node.has_base(self): break _stmts, done = assign_type._get_filtered_stmts(self, node, _stmts, mystmt) if done: break optional_assign = assign_type.optional_assign if optional_assign and assign_type.parent_of(self): # we are inside a loop, loop var assignment is hiding previous # assignment _stmts = [node] _stmt_parents = [stmt.parent] continue if isinstance(assign_type, NamedExpr): _stmts = [node] continue # XXX comment various branches below!!! try: pindex = _stmt_parents.index(stmt.parent) except ValueError: pass else: # we got a parent index, this means the currently visited node # is at the same block level as a previously visited node if _stmts[pindex].assign_type().parent_of(assign_type): # both statements are not at the same block level continue # if currently visited node is following previously considered # assignment and both are not exclusive, we can drop the # previous one. For instance in the following code :: # # if a: # x = 1 # else: # x = 2 # print x # # we can't remove neither x = 1 nor x = 2 when looking for 'x' # of 'print x'; while in the following :: # # x = 1 # x = 2 # print x # # we can remove x = 1 when we see x = 2 # # moreover, on loop assignment types, assignment won't # necessarily be done if the loop has no iteration, so we don't # want to clear previous assignments if any (hence the test on # optional_assign) if not (optional_assign or are_exclusive(_stmts[pindex], node)): if ( # In case of partial function node, if the statement is different # from the origin function then it can be deleted otherwise it should # remain to be able to correctly infer the call to origin function. not node.is_function or node.qname() != "PartialFunction" or != _stmts[pindex].name ): del _stmt_parents[pindex] del _stmts[pindex] if isinstance(node, AssignName): if not optional_assign and stmt.parent is mystmt.parent: _stmts = [] _stmt_parents = [] elif isinstance(node, DelName): _stmts = [] _stmt_parents = [] continue if not are_exclusive(self, node): _stmts.append(node) _stmt_parents.append(stmt.parent) return _stmts
# Name classes
[docs]class AssignName( mixins.NoChildrenMixin, LookupMixIn, mixins.ParentAssignTypeMixin, NodeNG ): """Variation of :class:`ast.Assign` representing assignment to a name. An :class:`AssignName` is the name of something that is assigned to. This includes variables defined in a function signature or in a loop. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('variable = range(10)') >>> node <Assign l.1 at 0x7effe1db8550> >>> list(node.get_children()) [<AssignName.variable l.1 at 0x7effe1db8748>, <Call l.1 at 0x7effe1db8630>] >>> list(node.get_children())[0].as_string() 'variable' """ _other_fields = ("name",) def __init__(self, name=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): """ :param name: The name that is assigned to. :type name: str or None :param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code. :type lineno: int or None :param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the source code. :type col_offset: int or None :param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree. :type parent: NodeNG or None """ = name """The name that is assigned to. :type: str or None """ super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent)
[docs]class DelName( mixins.NoChildrenMixin, LookupMixIn, mixins.ParentAssignTypeMixin, NodeNG ): """Variation of :class:`ast.Delete` representing deletion of a name. A :class:`DelName` is the name of something that is deleted. >>> node = astroid.extract_node("del variable #@") >>> list(node.get_children()) [<DelName.variable l.1 at 0x7effe1da4d30>] >>> list(node.get_children())[0].as_string() 'variable' """ _other_fields = ("name",) def __init__(self, name=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): """ :param name: The name that is being deleted. :type name: str or None :param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code. :type lineno: int or None :param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the source code. :type col_offset: int or None :param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree. :type parent: NodeNG or None """ = name """The name that is being deleted. :type: str or None """ super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent)
[docs]class Name(mixins.NoChildrenMixin, LookupMixIn, NodeNG): """Class representing an :class:`ast.Name` node. A :class:`Name` node is something that is named, but not covered by :class:`AssignName` or :class:`DelName`. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('range(10)') >>> node <Call l.1 at 0x7effe1db8710> >>> list(node.get_children()) [<Name.range l.1 at 0x7effe1db86a0>, < l.1 at 0x7effe1db8518>] >>> list(node.get_children())[0].as_string() 'range' """ _other_fields = ("name",) def __init__(self, name=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): """ :param name: The name that this node refers to. :type name: str or None :param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code. :type lineno: int or None :param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the source code. :type col_offset: int or None :param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree. :type parent: NodeNG or None """ = name """The name that this node refers to. :type: str or None """ super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent) def _get_name_nodes(self): yield self for child_node in self.get_children(): yield from child_node._get_name_nodes()
[docs]class Arguments(mixins.AssignTypeMixin, NodeNG): """Class representing an :class:`ast.arguments` node. An :class:`Arguments` node represents that arguments in a function definition. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('def foo(bar): pass') >>> node < l.1 at 0x7effe1db8198> >>> node.args <Arguments l.1 at 0x7effe1db82e8> """ # Python 3.4+ uses a different approach regarding annotations, # each argument is a new class, _ast.arg, which exposes an # 'annotation' attribute. In astroid though, arguments are exposed # as is in the Arguments node and the only way to expose annotations # is by using something similar with Python 3.3: # - we expose 'varargannotation' and 'kwargannotation' of annotations # of varargs and kwargs. # - we expose 'annotation', a list with annotations for # for each normal argument. If an argument doesn't have an # annotation, its value will be None. # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes _astroid_fields = ( "args", "defaults", "kwonlyargs", "posonlyargs", "posonlyargs_annotations", "kw_defaults", "annotations", "varargannotation", "kwargannotation", "kwonlyargs_annotations", "type_comment_args", "type_comment_kwonlyargs", "type_comment_posonlyargs", ) varargannotation = None """The type annotation for the variable length arguments. :type: NodeNG """ kwargannotation = None """The type annotation for the variable length keyword arguments. :type: NodeNG """ _other_fields = ("vararg", "kwarg") def __init__(self, vararg=None, kwarg=None, parent=None): """ :param vararg: The name of the variable length arguments. :type vararg: str or None :param kwarg: The name of the variable length keyword arguments. :type kwarg: str or None :param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree. :type parent: NodeNG or None """ super().__init__(parent=parent) self.vararg = vararg """The name of the variable length arguments. :type: str or None """ self.kwarg = kwarg """The name of the variable length keyword arguments. :type: str or None """ self.args = [] """The names of the required arguments. :type: list(AssignName) """ self.defaults = [] """The default values for arguments that can be passed positionally. :type: list(NodeNG) """ self.kwonlyargs = [] """The keyword arguments that cannot be passed positionally. :type: list(AssignName) """ self.posonlyargs = [] """The arguments that can only be passed positionally. :type: list(AssignName) """ self.kw_defaults = [] """The default values for keyword arguments that cannot be passed positionally. :type: list(NodeNG) """ self.annotations = [] """The type annotations of arguments that can be passed positionally. :type: list(NodeNG) """ self.posonlyargs_annotations = [] """The type annotations of arguments that can only be passed positionally. :type: list(NodeNG) """ self.kwonlyargs_annotations = [] """The type annotations of arguments that cannot be passed positionally. :type: list(NodeNG) """ self.type_comment_args = [] """The type annotation, passed by a type comment, of each argument. If an argument does not have a type comment, the value for that argument will be None. :type: list(NodeNG or None) """ self.type_comment_kwonlyargs = [] """The type annotation, passed by a type comment, of each keyword only argument. If an argument does not have a type comment, the value for that argument will be None. :type: list(NodeNG or None) """ self.type_comment_posonlyargs = [] """The type annotation, passed by a type comment, of each positional argument. If an argument does not have a type comment, the value for that argument will be None. :type: list(NodeNG or None) """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs] def postinit( self, args, defaults, kwonlyargs, kw_defaults, annotations, posonlyargs=None, kwonlyargs_annotations=None, posonlyargs_annotations=None, varargannotation=None, kwargannotation=None, type_comment_args=None, type_comment_kwonlyargs=None, type_comment_posonlyargs=None, ): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param args: The names of the required arguments. :type args: list(AssignName) :param defaults: The default values for arguments that can be passed positionally. :type defaults: list(NodeNG) :param kwonlyargs: The keyword arguments that cannot be passed positionally. :type kwonlyargs: list(AssignName) :param posonlyargs: The arguments that can only be passed positionally. :type kwonlyargs: list(AssignName) :param kw_defaults: The default values for keyword arguments that cannot be passed positionally. :type kw_defaults: list(NodeNG) :param annotations: The type annotations of arguments that can be passed positionally. :type annotations: list(NodeNG) :param kwonlyargs_annotations: The type annotations of arguments that cannot be passed positionally. This should always be passed in Python 3. :type kwonlyargs_annotations: list(NodeNG) :param posonlyargs_annotations: The type annotations of arguments that can only be passed positionally. This should always be passed in Python 3. :type posonlyargs_annotations: list(NodeNG) :param varargannotation: The type annotation for the variable length arguments. :type varargannotation: NodeNG :param kwargannotation: The type annotation for the variable length keyword arguments. :type kwargannotation: NodeNG :param type_comment_args: The type annotation, passed by a type comment, of each argument. :type type_comment_args: list(NodeNG or None) :param type_comment_args: The type annotation, passed by a type comment, of each keyword only argument. :type type_comment_args: list(NodeNG or None) :param type_comment_args: The type annotation, passed by a type comment, of each positional argument. :type type_comment_args: list(NodeNG or None) """ self.args = args self.defaults = defaults self.kwonlyargs = kwonlyargs self.posonlyargs = posonlyargs self.kw_defaults = kw_defaults self.annotations = annotations self.kwonlyargs_annotations = kwonlyargs_annotations self.posonlyargs_annotations = posonlyargs_annotations self.varargannotation = varargannotation self.kwargannotation = kwargannotation self.type_comment_args = type_comment_args self.type_comment_kwonlyargs = type_comment_kwonlyargs self.type_comment_posonlyargs = type_comment_posonlyargs
def _infer_name(self, frame, name): if self.parent is frame: return name return None @decorators.cachedproperty def fromlineno(self): """The first line that this node appears on in the source code. :type: int or None """ lineno = super().fromlineno return max(lineno, self.parent.fromlineno or 0) @decorators.cachedproperty def arguments(self): """Get all the arguments for this node, including positional only and positional and keyword""" return list(itertools.chain((self.posonlyargs or ()), self.args or ()))
[docs] def format_args(self): """Get the arguments formatted as string. :returns: The formatted arguments. :rtype: str """ result = [] positional_only_defaults = [] positional_or_keyword_defaults = self.defaults if self.defaults: args = self.args or [] positional_or_keyword_defaults = self.defaults[-len(args) :] positional_only_defaults = self.defaults[: len(self.defaults) - len(args)] if self.posonlyargs: result.append( _format_args( self.posonlyargs, positional_only_defaults, self.posonlyargs_annotations, ) ) result.append("/") if self.args: result.append( _format_args( self.args, positional_or_keyword_defaults, getattr(self, "annotations", None), ) ) if self.vararg: result.append("*%s" % self.vararg) if self.kwonlyargs: if not self.vararg: result.append("*") result.append( _format_args( self.kwonlyargs, self.kw_defaults, self.kwonlyargs_annotations ) ) if self.kwarg: result.append("**%s" % self.kwarg) return ", ".join(result)
[docs] def default_value(self, argname): """Get the default value for an argument. :param argname: The name of the argument to get the default value for. :type argname: str :raises NoDefault: If there is no default value defined for the given argument. """ args = self.arguments index = _find_arg(argname, args)[0] if index is not None: idx = index - (len(args) - len(self.defaults)) if idx >= 0: return self.defaults[idx] index = _find_arg(argname, self.kwonlyargs)[0] if index is not None and self.kw_defaults[index] is not None: return self.kw_defaults[index] raise exceptions.NoDefault(func=self.parent, name=argname)
[docs] def is_argument(self, name): """Check if the given name is defined in the arguments. :param name: The name to check for. :type name: str :returns: True if the given name is defined in the arguments, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ if name == self.vararg: return True if name == self.kwarg: return True return ( self.find_argname(name, rec=True)[1] is not None or self.kwonlyargs and _find_arg(name, self.kwonlyargs, rec=True)[1] is not None )
[docs] def find_argname(self, argname, rec=False): """Get the index and :class:`AssignName` node for given name. :param argname: The name of the argument to search for. :type argname: str :param rec: Whether or not to include arguments in unpacked tuples in the search. :type rec: bool :returns: The index and node for the argument. :rtype: tuple(str or None, AssignName or None) """ if self.arguments: return _find_arg(argname, self.arguments, rec) return None, None
[docs] def get_children(self): yield from self.posonlyargs or () for elt in self.posonlyargs_annotations: if elt is not None: yield elt yield from self.args or () yield from self.defaults yield from self.kwonlyargs for elt in self.kw_defaults: if elt is not None: yield elt for elt in self.annotations: if elt is not None: yield elt if self.varargannotation is not None: yield self.varargannotation if self.kwargannotation is not None: yield self.kwargannotation for elt in self.kwonlyargs_annotations: if elt is not None: yield elt
def _find_arg(argname, args, rec=False): for i, arg in enumerate(args): if isinstance(arg, Tuple): if rec: found = _find_arg(argname, arg.elts) if found[0] is not None: return found elif == argname: return i, arg return None, None def _format_args(args, defaults=None, annotations=None): values = [] if args is None: return "" if annotations is None: annotations = [] if defaults is not None: default_offset = len(args) - len(defaults) packed = itertools.zip_longest(args, annotations) for i, (arg, annotation) in enumerate(packed): if isinstance(arg, Tuple): values.append("(%s)" % _format_args(arg.elts)) else: argname = default_sep = "=" if annotation is not None: argname += ": " + annotation.as_string() default_sep = " = " values.append(argname) if defaults is not None and i >= default_offset: if defaults[i - default_offset] is not None: values[-1] += default_sep + defaults[i - default_offset].as_string() return ", ".join(values)
[docs]class AssignAttr(mixins.ParentAssignTypeMixin, NodeNG): """Variation of :class:`ast.Assign` representing assignment to an attribute. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('self.attribute = range(10)') >>> node <Assign l.1 at 0x7effe1d521d0> >>> list(node.get_children()) [<AssignAttr.attribute l.1 at 0x7effe1d52320>, <Call l.1 at 0x7effe1d522e8>] >>> list(node.get_children())[0].as_string() 'self.attribute' """ _astroid_fields = ("expr",) _other_fields = ("attrname",) expr = None """What has the attribute that is being assigned to. :type: NodeNG or None """ def __init__(self, attrname=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): """ :param attrname: The name of the attribute being assigned to. :type attrname: str or None :param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code. :type lineno: int or None :param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the source code. :type col_offset: int or None :param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree. :type parent: NodeNG or None """ self.attrname = attrname """The name of the attribute being assigned to. :type: str or None """ super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent)
[docs] def postinit(self, expr=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param expr: What has the attribute that is being assigned to. :type expr: NodeNG or None """ self.expr = expr
[docs] def get_children(self): yield self.expr
[docs]class Assert(Statement): """Class representing an :class:`ast.Assert` node. An :class:`Assert` node represents an assert statement. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('assert len(things) == 10, "Not enough things"') >>> node <Assert l.1 at 0x7effe1d527b8> """ _astroid_fields = ("test", "fail") test = None """The test that passes or fails the assertion. :type: NodeNG or None """ fail = None """The message shown when the assertion fails. :type: NodeNG or None """
[docs] def postinit(self, test=None, fail=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param test: The test that passes or fails the assertion. :type test: NodeNG or None :param fail: The message shown when the assertion fails. :type fail: NodeNG or None """ = fail self.test = test
[docs] def get_children(self): yield self.test if is not None: yield
[docs]class Assign(mixins.AssignTypeMixin, Statement): """Class representing an :class:`ast.Assign` node. An :class:`Assign` is a statement where something is explicitly asssigned to. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('variable = range(10)') >>> node <Assign l.1 at 0x7effe1db8550> """ _astroid_fields = ("targets", "value") _other_other_fields = ("type_annotation",) targets = None """What is being assigned to. :type: list(NodeNG) or None """ value = None """The value being assigned to the variables. :type: NodeNG or None """ type_annotation = None """If present, this will contain the type annotation passed by a type comment :type: NodeNG or None """
[docs] def postinit(self, targets=None, value=None, type_annotation=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param targets: What is being assigned to. :type targets: list(NodeNG) or None :param value: The value being assigned to the variables. :type: NodeNG or None """ self.targets = targets self.value = value self.type_annotation = type_annotation
[docs] def get_children(self): yield from self.targets yield self.value
@decorators.cached def _get_assign_nodes(self): return [self] + list(self.value._get_assign_nodes()) def _get_yield_nodes_skip_lambdas(self): yield from self.value._get_yield_nodes_skip_lambdas()
[docs]class AnnAssign(mixins.AssignTypeMixin, Statement): """Class representing an :class:`ast.AnnAssign` node. An :class:`AnnAssign` is an assignment with a type annotation. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('variable: List[int] = range(10)') >>> node <AnnAssign l.1 at 0x7effe1d4c630> """ _astroid_fields = ("target", "annotation", "value") _other_fields = ("simple",) target = None """What is being assigned to. :type: NodeNG or None """ annotation = None """The type annotation of what is being assigned to. :type: NodeNG """ value = None """The value being assigned to the variables. :type: NodeNG or None """ simple = None """Whether :attr:`target` is a pure name or a complex statement. :type: int """
[docs] def postinit(self, target, annotation, simple, value=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param target: What is being assigned to. :type target: NodeNG :param annotation: The type annotation of what is being assigned to. :type: NodeNG :param simple: Whether :attr:`target` is a pure name or a complex statement. :type simple: int :param value: The value being assigned to the variables. :type: NodeNG or None """ = target self.annotation = annotation self.value = value self.simple = simple
[docs] def get_children(self): yield yield self.annotation if self.value is not None: yield self.value
[docs]class AugAssign(mixins.AssignTypeMixin, Statement): """Class representing an :class:`ast.AugAssign` node. An :class:`AugAssign` is an assignment paired with an operator. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('variable += 1') >>> node <AugAssign l.1 at 0x7effe1db4d68> """ _astroid_fields = ("target", "value") _other_fields = ("op",) target = None """What is being assigned to. :type: NodeNG or None """ value = None """The value being assigned to the variable. :type: NodeNG or None """ def __init__(self, op=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): """ :param op: The operator that is being combined with the assignment. This includes the equals sign. :type op: str or None :param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code. :type lineno: int or None :param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the source code. :type col_offset: int or None :param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree. :type parent: NodeNG or None """ self.op = op """The operator that is being combined with the assignment. This includes the equals sign. :type: str or None """ super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent)
[docs] def postinit(self, target=None, value=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param target: What is being assigned to. :type target: NodeNG or None :param value: The value being assigned to the variable. :type: NodeNG or None """ = target self.value = value
# This is set by def _infer_augassign(self, context=None): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def type_errors(self, context=None): """Get a list of type errors which can occur during inference. Each TypeError is represented by a :class:`BadBinaryOperationMessage` , which holds the original exception. :returns: The list of possible type errors. :rtype: list(BadBinaryOperationMessage) """ try: results = self._infer_augassign(context=context) return [ result for result in results if isinstance(result, util.BadBinaryOperationMessage) ] except exceptions.InferenceError: return []
[docs] def get_children(self): yield yield self.value
def _get_yield_nodes_skip_lambdas(self): """An AugAssign node can contain a Yield node in the value""" yield from self.value._get_yield_nodes_skip_lambdas() yield from super()._get_yield_nodes_skip_lambdas()
[docs]class Repr(NodeNG): """Class representing an :class:`ast.Repr` node. A :class:`Repr` node represents the backtick syntax, which is a deprecated alias for :func:`repr` removed in Python 3. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('`variable`') >>> node <Repr l.1 at 0x7fa0951d75d0> """ _astroid_fields = ("value",) value = None """What is having :func:`repr` called on it. :type: NodeNG or None """
[docs] def postinit(self, value=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param value: What is having :func:`repr` called on it. :type value: NodeNG or None """ self.value = value
[docs]class BinOp(NodeNG): """Class representing an :class:`ast.BinOp` node. A :class:`BinOp` node is an application of a binary operator. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('a + b') >>> node <BinOp l.1 at 0x7f23b2e8cfd0> """ _astroid_fields = ("left", "right") _other_fields = ("op",) left = None """What is being applied to the operator on the left side. :type: NodeNG or None """ right = None """What is being applied to the operator on the right side. :type: NodeNG or None """ def __init__(self, op=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): """ :param op: The operator. :type: str or None :param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code. :type lineno: int or None :param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the source code. :type col_offset: int or None :param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree. :type parent: NodeNG or None """ self.op = op """The operator. :type: str or None """ super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent)
[docs] def postinit(self, left=None, right=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param left: What is being applied to the operator on the left side. :type left: NodeNG or None :param right: What is being applied to the operator on the right side. :type right: NodeNG or None """ self.left = left self.right = right
# This is set by def _infer_binop(self, context=None): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def type_errors(self, context=None): """Get a list of type errors which can occur during inference. Each TypeError is represented by a :class:`BadBinaryOperationMessage`, which holds the original exception. :returns: The list of possible type errors. :rtype: list(BadBinaryOperationMessage) """ try: results = self._infer_binop(context=context) return [ result for result in results if isinstance(result, util.BadBinaryOperationMessage) ] except exceptions.InferenceError: return []
[docs] def get_children(self): yield self.left yield self.right
[docs] def op_precedence(self): return OP_PRECEDENCE[self.op]
[docs] def op_left_associative(self): # 2**3**4 == 2**(3**4) return self.op != "**"
[docs]class BoolOp(NodeNG): """Class representing an :class:`ast.BoolOp` node. A :class:`BoolOp` is an application of a boolean operator. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('a and b') >>> node <BinOp l.1 at 0x7f23b2e71c50> """ _astroid_fields = ("values",) _other_fields = ("op",) values = None """The values being applied to the operator. :type: list(NodeNG) or None """ def __init__(self, op=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): """ :param op: The operator. :type: str or None :param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code. :type lineno: int or None :param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the source code. :type col_offset: int or None :param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree. :type parent: NodeNG or None """ self.op = op """The operator. :type: str or None """ super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent)
[docs] def postinit(self, values=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param values: The values being applied to the operator. :type values: list(NodeNG) or None """ self.values = values
[docs] def get_children(self): yield from self.values
[docs] def op_precedence(self): return OP_PRECEDENCE[self.op]
[docs]class Break(mixins.NoChildrenMixin, Statement): """Class representing an :class:`ast.Break` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('break') >>> node <Break l.1 at 0x7f23b2e9e5c0> """
[docs]class Call(NodeNG): """Class representing an :class:`ast.Call` node. A :class:`Call` node is a call to a function, method, etc. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('function()') >>> node <Call l.1 at 0x7f23b2e71eb8> """ _astroid_fields = ("func", "args", "keywords") func = None """What is being called. :type: NodeNG or None """ args = None """The positional arguments being given to the call. :type: list(NodeNG) or None """ keywords = None """The keyword arguments being given to the call. :type: list(NodeNG) or None """
[docs] def postinit(self, func=None, args=None, keywords=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param func: What is being called. :type func: NodeNG or None :param args: The positional arguments being given to the call. :type args: list(NodeNG) or None :param keywords: The keyword arguments being given to the call. :type keywords: list(NodeNG) or None """ self.func = func self.args = args self.keywords = keywords
@property def starargs(self): """The positional arguments that unpack something. :type: list(Starred) """ args = self.args or [] return [arg for arg in args if isinstance(arg, Starred)] @property def kwargs(self): """The keyword arguments that unpack something. :type: list(Keyword) """ keywords = self.keywords or [] return [keyword for keyword in keywords if keyword.arg is None]
[docs] def get_children(self): yield self.func yield from self.args yield from self.keywords or ()
[docs]class Compare(NodeNG): """Class representing an :class:`ast.Compare` node. A :class:`Compare` node indicates a comparison. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('a <= b <= c') >>> node <Compare l.1 at 0x7f23b2e9e6d8> >>> node.ops [('<=', <Name.b l.1 at 0x7f23b2e9e2b0>), ('<=', <Name.c l.1 at 0x7f23b2e9e390>)] """ _astroid_fields = ("left", "ops") left = None """The value at the left being applied to a comparison operator. :type: NodeNG or None """ ops = None """The remainder of the operators and their relevant right hand value. :type: list(tuple(str, NodeNG)) or None """
[docs] def postinit(self, left=None, ops=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param left: The value at the left being applied to a comparison operator. :type left: NodeNG or None :param ops: The remainder of the operators and their relevant right hand value. :type ops: list(tuple(str, NodeNG)) or None """ self.left = left self.ops = ops
[docs] def get_children(self): """Get the child nodes below this node. Overridden to handle the tuple fields and skip returning the operator strings. :returns: The children. :rtype: iterable(NodeNG) """ yield self.left for _, comparator in self.ops: yield comparator # we don't want the 'op'
[docs] def last_child(self): """An optimized version of list(get_children())[-1] :returns: The last child. :rtype: NodeNG """ # XXX maybe if self.ops: return self.ops[-1][1]
# return self.left
[docs]class Comprehension(NodeNG): """Class representing an :class:`ast.comprehension` node. A :class:`Comprehension` indicates the loop inside any type of comprehension including generator expressions. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('[x for x in some_values]') >>> list(node.get_children()) [<Name.x l.1 at 0x7f23b2e352b0>, <Comprehension l.1 at 0x7f23b2e35320>] >>> list(node.get_children())[1].as_string() 'for x in some_values' """ _astroid_fields = ("target", "iter", "ifs") _other_fields = ("is_async",) target = None """What is assigned to by the comprehension. :type: NodeNG or None """ iter = None """What is iterated over by the comprehension. :type: NodeNG or None """ ifs = None """The contents of any if statements that filter the comprehension. :type: list(NodeNG) or None """ is_async = None """Whether this is an asynchronous comprehension or not. :type: bool or None """ def __init__(self, parent=None): """ :param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree. :type parent: NodeNG or None """ super().__init__() self.parent = parent # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin; same name as builtin ast module.
[docs] def postinit(self, target=None, iter=None, ifs=None, is_async=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param target: What is assigned to by the comprehension. :type target: NodeNG or None :param iter: What is iterated over by the comprehension. :type iter: NodeNG or None :param ifs: The contents of any if statements that filter the comprehension. :type ifs: list(NodeNG) or None :param is_async: Whether this is an asynchronous comprehension or not. :type: bool or None """ = target self.iter = iter self.ifs = ifs self.is_async = is_async
optional_assign = True """Whether this node optionally assigns a variable. :type: bool """
[docs] def assign_type(self): """The type of assignment that this node performs. :returns: The assignment type. :rtype: NodeNG """ return self
def _get_filtered_stmts(self, lookup_node, node, stmts, mystmt): """method used in filter_stmts""" if self is mystmt: if isinstance(lookup_node, (Const, Name)): return [lookup_node], True elif self.statement() is mystmt: # original node's statement is the assignment, only keeps # current node (gen exp, list comp) return [node], True return stmts, False
[docs] def get_children(self): yield yield self.iter yield from self.ifs
[docs]class Const(mixins.NoChildrenMixin, NodeNG, bases.Instance): """Class representing any constant including num, str, bool, None, bytes. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('(5, "This is a string.", True, None, b"bytes")') >>> node <Tuple.tuple l.1 at 0x7f23b2e358d0> >>> list(node.get_children()) [< l.1 at 0x7f23b2e35940>, <Const.str l.1 at 0x7f23b2e35978>, <Const.bool l.1 at 0x7f23b2e359b0>, <Const.NoneType l.1 at 0x7f23b2e359e8>, <Const.bytes l.1 at 0x7f23b2e35a20>] """ _other_fields = ("value",) def __init__(self, value, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None, kind=None): """ :param value: The value that the constant represents. :type value: object :param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code. :type lineno: int or None :param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the source code. :type col_offset: int or None :param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree. :type parent: NodeNG or None :param kind: The string prefix. "u" for u-prefixed strings and ``None`` otherwise. Python 3.8+ only. :type kind: str or None """ self.value = value self.kind = kind super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent) def __getattr__(self, name): # This is needed because of Proxy's __getattr__ method. # Calling object.__new__ on this class without calling # __init__ would result in an infinite loop otherwise # since __getattr__ is called when an attribute doesn't # exist and self._proxied indirectly calls self.value # and Proxy __getattr__ calls self.value if name == "value": raise AttributeError return super().__getattr__(name)
[docs] def getitem(self, index, context=None): """Get an item from this node if subscriptable. :param index: The node to use as a subscript index. :type index: Const or Slice :raises AstroidTypeError: When the given index cannot be used as a subscript index, or if this node is not subscriptable. """ if isinstance(index, Const): index_value = index.value elif isinstance(index, Slice): index_value = _infer_slice(index, context=context) else: raise exceptions.AstroidTypeError( f"Could not use type {type(index)} as subscript index" ) try: if isinstance(self.value, (str, bytes)): return Const(self.value[index_value]) except IndexError as exc: raise exceptions.AstroidIndexError( message="Index {index!r} out of range", node=self, index=index, context=context, ) from exc except TypeError as exc: raise exceptions.AstroidTypeError( message="Type error {error!r}", node=self, index=index, context=context ) from exc raise exceptions.AstroidTypeError(f"{self!r} (value={self.value})")
[docs] def has_dynamic_getattr(self): """Check if the node has a custom __getattr__ or __getattribute__. :returns: True if the class has a custom __getattr__ or __getattribute__, False otherwise. For a :class:`Const` this is always ``False``. :rtype: bool """ return False
[docs] def itered(self): """An iterator over the elements this node contains. :returns: The contents of this node. :rtype: iterable(Const) :raises TypeError: If this node does not represent something that is iterable. """ if isinstance(self.value, str): return [const_factory(elem) for elem in self.value] raise TypeError(f"Cannot iterate over type {type(self.value)!r}")
[docs] def pytype(self): """Get the name of the type that this node represents. :returns: The name of the type. :rtype: str """ return self._proxied.qname()
[docs] def bool_value(self, context=None): """Determine the boolean value of this node. :returns: The boolean value of this node. :rtype: bool """ return bool(self.value)
[docs]class Continue(mixins.NoChildrenMixin, Statement): """Class representing an :class:`ast.Continue` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('continue') >>> node <Continue l.1 at 0x7f23b2e35588> """
[docs]class Decorators(NodeNG): """A node representing a list of decorators. A :class:`Decorators` is the decorators that are applied to a method or function. >>> node = astroid.extract_node(''' @property def my_property(self): return 3 ''') >>> node <FunctionDef.my_property l.2 at 0x7f23b2e35d30> >>> list(node.get_children())[0] <Decorators l.1 at 0x7f23b2e35d68> """ _astroid_fields = ("nodes",) nodes = None """The decorators that this node contains. :type: list(Name or Call) or None """
[docs] def postinit(self, nodes): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param nodes: The decorators that this node contains. :type nodes: list(Name or Call) """ self.nodes = nodes
[docs] def scope(self): """The first parent node defining a new scope. :returns: The first parent scope node. :rtype: Module or FunctionDef or ClassDef or Lambda or GenExpr """ # skip the function node to go directly to the upper level scope return self.parent.parent.scope()
[docs] def get_children(self): yield from self.nodes
[docs]class DelAttr(mixins.ParentAssignTypeMixin, NodeNG): """Variation of :class:`ast.Delete` representing deletion of an attribute. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('del self.attr') >>> node <Delete l.1 at 0x7f23b2e35f60> >>> list(node.get_children())[0] <DelAttr.attr l.1 at 0x7f23b2e411d0> """ _astroid_fields = ("expr",) _other_fields = ("attrname",) expr = None """The name that this node represents. :type: Name or None """ def __init__(self, attrname=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): """ :param attrname: The name of the attribute that is being deleted. :type attrname: str or None :param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code. :type lineno: int or None :param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the source code. :type col_offset: int or None :param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree. :type parent: NodeNG or None """ self.attrname = attrname """The name of the attribute that is being deleted. :type: str or None """ super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent)
[docs] def postinit(self, expr=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param expr: The name that this node represents. :type expr: Name or None """ self.expr = expr
[docs] def get_children(self): yield self.expr
[docs]class Delete(mixins.AssignTypeMixin, Statement): """Class representing an :class:`ast.Delete` node. A :class:`Delete` is a ``del`` statement this is deleting something. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('del self.attr') >>> node <Delete l.1 at 0x7f23b2e35f60> """ _astroid_fields = ("targets",) targets = None """What is being deleted. :type: list(NodeNG) or None """
[docs] def postinit(self, targets=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param targets: What is being deleted. :type targets: list(NodeNG) or None """ self.targets = targets
[docs] def get_children(self): yield from self.targets
[docs]class Dict(NodeNG, bases.Instance): """Class representing an :class:`ast.Dict` node. A :class:`Dict` is a dictionary that is created with ``{}`` syntax. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('{1: "1"}') >>> node <Dict.dict l.1 at 0x7f23b2e35cc0> """ _astroid_fields = ("items",) def __init__(self, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): """ :param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code. :type lineno: int or None :param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the source code. :type col_offset: int or None :param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree. :type parent: NodeNG or None """ self.items = [] """The key-value pairs contained in the dictionary. :type: list(tuple(NodeNG, NodeNG)) """ super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent)
[docs] def postinit(self, items): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param items: The key-value pairs contained in the dictionary. :type items: list(tuple(NodeNG, NodeNG)) """ self.items = items
[docs] @classmethod def from_elements(cls, items=None): """Create a :class:`Dict` of constants from a live dictionary. :param items: The items to store in the node. :type items: dict :returns: The created dictionary node. :rtype: Dict """ node = cls() if items is None: node.items = [] else: node.items = [ (const_factory(k), const_factory(v) if _is_const(v) else v) for k, v in items.items() # The keys need to be constants if _is_const(k) ] return node
[docs] def pytype(self): """Get the name of the type that this node represents. :returns: The name of the type. :rtype: str """ return "%s.dict" % BUILTINS
[docs] def get_children(self): """Get the key and value nodes below this node. Children are returned in the order that they are defined in the source code, key first then the value. :returns: The children. :rtype: iterable(NodeNG) """ for key, value in self.items: yield key yield value
[docs] def last_child(self): """An optimized version of list(get_children())[-1] :returns: The last child, or None if no children exist. :rtype: NodeNG or None """ if self.items: return self.items[-1][1] return None
[docs] def itered(self): """An iterator over the keys this node contains. :returns: The keys of this node. :rtype: iterable(NodeNG) """ return [key for (key, _) in self.items]
[docs] def getitem(self, index, context=None): """Get an item from this node. :param index: The node to use as a subscript index. :type index: Const or Slice :raises AstroidTypeError: When the given index cannot be used as a subscript index, or if this node is not subscriptable. :raises AstroidIndexError: If the given index does not exist in the dictionary. """ for key, value in self.items: # TODO(cpopa): no support for overriding yet, {1:2, **{1: 3}}. if isinstance(key, DictUnpack): try: return value.getitem(index, context) except (exceptions.AstroidTypeError, exceptions.AstroidIndexError): continue for inferredkey in key.infer(context): if inferredkey is util.Uninferable: continue if isinstance(inferredkey, Const) and isinstance(index, Const): if inferredkey.value == index.value: return value raise exceptions.AstroidIndexError(index)
[docs] def bool_value(self, context=None): """Determine the boolean value of this node. :returns: The boolean value of this node. :rtype: bool """ return bool(self.items)
[docs]class Expr(Statement): """Class representing an :class:`ast.Expr` node. An :class:`Expr` is any expression that does not have its value used or stored. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('method()') >>> node <Call l.1 at 0x7f23b2e352b0> >>> node.parent <Expr l.1 at 0x7f23b2e35278> """ _astroid_fields = ("value",) value = None """What the expression does. :type: NodeNG or None """
[docs] def postinit(self, value=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param value: What the expression does. :type value: NodeNG or None """ self.value = value
[docs] def get_children(self): yield self.value
def _get_yield_nodes_skip_lambdas(self): if not self.value.is_lambda: yield from self.value._get_yield_nodes_skip_lambdas()
[docs]class Ellipsis(mixins.NoChildrenMixin, NodeNG): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin """Class representing an :class:`ast.Ellipsis` node. An :class:`Ellipsis` is the ``...`` syntax. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('...') >>> node <Ellipsis l.1 at 0x7f23b2e35160> """
[docs] def bool_value(self, context=None): """Determine the boolean value of this node. :returns: The boolean value of this node. For an :class:`Ellipsis` this is always ``True``. :rtype: bool """ return True
[docs]class EmptyNode(mixins.NoChildrenMixin, NodeNG): """Holds an arbitrary object in the :attr:`LocalsDictNodeNG.locals`.""" object = None
[docs]class ExceptHandler(mixins.MultiLineBlockMixin, mixins.AssignTypeMixin, Statement): """Class representing an :class:`ast.ExceptHandler`. node. An :class:`ExceptHandler` is an ``except`` block on a try-except. >>> node = astroid.extract_node(''' try: do_something() except Exception as error: print("Error!") ''') >>> node <TryExcept l.2 at 0x7f23b2e9d908> >>> >>> node.handlers [<ExceptHandler l.4 at 0x7f23b2e9e860>] """ _astroid_fields = ("type", "name", "body") _multi_line_block_fields = ("body",) type = None """The types that the block handles. :type: Tuple or NodeNG or None """ name = None """The name that the caught exception is assigned to. :type: AssignName or None """ body = None """The contents of the block. :type: list(NodeNG) or None """
[docs] def get_children(self): if self.type is not None: yield self.type if is not None: yield yield from self.body
# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin; had to use the same name as builtin ast module.
[docs] def postinit(self, type=None, name=None, body=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param type: The types that the block handles. :type type: Tuple or NodeNG or None :param name: The name that the caught exception is assigned to. :type name: AssignName or None :param body:The contents of the block. :type body: list(NodeNG) or None """ self.type = type = name self.body = body
@decorators.cachedproperty def blockstart_tolineno(self): """The line on which the beginning of this block ends. :type: int """ if return if self.type: return self.type.tolineno return self.lineno
[docs] def catch(self, exceptions): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name """Check if this node handles any of the given exceptions. If ``exceptions`` is empty, this will default to ``True``. :param exceptions: The name of the exceptions to check for. :type exceptions: list(str) """ if self.type is None or exceptions is None: return True for node in self.type._get_name_nodes(): if in exceptions: return True return False
[docs]class Exec(Statement): """Class representing the ``exec`` statement. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('exec "True"') >>> node <Exec l.1 at 0x7f0e8106c6d0> """ _astroid_fields = ("expr", "globals", "locals") expr = None """The expression to be executed. :type: NodeNG or None """ globals = None """The globals dictionary to execute with. :type: NodeNG or None """ locals = None """The locals dictionary to execute with. :type: NodeNG or None """ # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin; had to use the same name as builtin ast module.
[docs] def postinit(self, expr=None, globals=None, locals=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param expr: The expression to be executed. :type expr: NodeNG or None :param globals:The globals dictionary to execute with. :type globals: NodeNG or None :param locals: The locals dictionary to execute with. :type locals: NodeNG or None """ self.expr = expr self.globals = globals self.locals = locals
[docs]class ExtSlice(NodeNG): """Class representing an :class:`ast.ExtSlice` node. An :class:`ExtSlice` is a complex slice expression. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('l[1:3, 5]') >>> node <Subscript l.1 at 0x7f23b2e9e550> >>> node.slice <ExtSlice l.1 at 0x7f23b7b05ef0> """ _astroid_fields = ("dims",) dims = None """The simple dimensions that form the complete slice. :type: list(NodeNG) or None """
[docs] def postinit(self, dims=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param dims: The simple dimensions that form the complete slice. :type dims: list(NodeNG) or None """ self.dims = dims
[docs]class For( mixins.MultiLineBlockMixin, mixins.BlockRangeMixIn, mixins.AssignTypeMixin, Statement, ): """Class representing an :class:`ast.For` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('for thing in things: print(thing)') >>> node <For l.1 at 0x7f23b2e8cf28> """ _astroid_fields = ("target", "iter", "body", "orelse") _other_other_fields = ("type_annotation",) _multi_line_block_fields = ("body", "orelse") target = None """What the loop assigns to. :type: NodeNG or None """ iter = None """What the loop iterates over. :type: NodeNG or None """ body = None """The contents of the body of the loop. :type: list(NodeNG) or None """ orelse = None """The contents of the ``else`` block of the loop. :type: list(NodeNG) or None """ type_annotation = None """If present, this will contain the type annotation passed by a type comment :type: NodeNG or None """ # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin; had to use the same name as builtin ast module.
[docs] def postinit( self, target=None, iter=None, body=None, orelse=None, type_annotation=None ): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param target: What the loop assigns to. :type target: NodeNG or None :param iter: What the loop iterates over. :type iter: NodeNG or None :param body: The contents of the body of the loop. :type body: list(NodeNG) or None :param orelse: The contents of the ``else`` block of the loop. :type orelse: list(NodeNG) or None """ = target self.iter = iter self.body = body self.orelse = orelse self.type_annotation = type_annotation
optional_assign = True """Whether this node optionally assigns a variable. This is always ``True`` for :class:`For` nodes. :type: bool """ @decorators.cachedproperty def blockstart_tolineno(self): """The line on which the beginning of this block ends. :type: int """ return self.iter.tolineno
[docs] def get_children(self): yield yield self.iter yield from self.body yield from self.orelse
[docs]class AsyncFor(For): """Class representing an :class:`ast.AsyncFor` node. An :class:`AsyncFor` is an asynchronous :class:`For` built with the ``async`` keyword. >>> node = astroid.extract_node(''' async def func(things): async for thing in things: print(thing) ''') >>> node <AsyncFunctionDef.func l.2 at 0x7f23b2e416d8> >>> node.body[0] <AsyncFor l.3 at 0x7f23b2e417b8> """
[docs]class Await(NodeNG): """Class representing an :class:`ast.Await` node. An :class:`Await` is the ``await`` keyword. >>> node = astroid.extract_node(''' async def func(things): await other_func() ''') >>> node <AsyncFunctionDef.func l.2 at 0x7f23b2e41748> >>> node.body[0] <Expr l.3 at 0x7f23b2e419e8> >>> list(node.body[0].get_children())[0] <Await l.3 at 0x7f23b2e41a20> """ _astroid_fields = ("value",) value = None """What to wait for. :type: NodeNG or None """
[docs] def postinit(self, value=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param value: What to wait for. :type value: NodeNG or None """ self.value = value
[docs] def get_children(self): yield self.value
[docs]class ImportFrom(mixins.NoChildrenMixin, mixins.ImportFromMixin, Statement): """Class representing an :class:`ast.ImportFrom` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('from my_package import my_module') >>> node <ImportFrom l.1 at 0x7f23b2e415c0> """ _other_fields = ("modname", "names", "level") def __init__( self, fromname, names, level=0, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None ): """ :param fromname: The module that is being imported from. :type fromname: str or None :param names: What is being imported from the module. :type names: list(tuple(str, str or None)) :param level: The level of relative import. :type level: int :param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code. :type lineno: int or None :param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the source code. :type col_offset: int or None :param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree. :type parent: NodeNG or None """ self.modname = fromname """The module that is being imported from. This is ``None`` for relative imports. :type: str or None """ self.names = names """What is being imported from the module. Each entry is a :class:`tuple` of the name being imported, and the alias that the name is assigned to (if any). :type: list(tuple(str, str or None)) """ self.level = level """The level of relative import. Essentially this is the number of dots in the import. This is always 0 for absolute imports. :type: int """ super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent)
[docs]class Attribute(NodeNG): """Class representing an :class:`ast.Attribute` node.""" _astroid_fields = ("expr",) _other_fields = ("attrname",) expr = None """The name that this node represents. :type: Name or None """ def __init__(self, attrname=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): """ :param attrname: The name of the attribute. :type attrname: str or None :param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code. :type lineno: int or None :param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the source code. :type col_offset: int or None :param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree. :type parent: NodeNG or None """ self.attrname = attrname """The name of the attribute. :type: str or None """ super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent)
[docs] def postinit(self, expr=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param expr: The name that this node represents. :type expr: Name or None """ self.expr = expr
[docs] def get_children(self): yield self.expr
[docs]class Global(mixins.NoChildrenMixin, Statement): """Class representing an :class:`ast.Global` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('global a_global') >>> node <Global l.1 at 0x7f23b2e9de10> """ _other_fields = ("names",) def __init__(self, names, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): """ :param names: The names being declared as global. :type names: list(str) :param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code. :type lineno: int or None :param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the source code. :type col_offset: int or None :param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree. :type parent: NodeNG or None """ self.names = names """The names being declared as global. :type: list(str) """ super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent) def _infer_name(self, frame, name): return name
[docs]class If(mixins.MultiLineBlockMixin, mixins.BlockRangeMixIn, Statement): """Class representing an :class:`ast.If` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('if condition: print(True)') >>> node <If l.1 at 0x7f23b2e9dd30> """ _astroid_fields = ("test", "body", "orelse") _multi_line_block_fields = ("body", "orelse") test = None """The condition that the statement tests. :type: NodeNG or None """ body = None """The contents of the block. :type: list(NodeNG) or None """ orelse = None """The contents of the ``else`` block. :type: list(NodeNG) or None """
[docs] def postinit(self, test=None, body=None, orelse=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param test: The condition that the statement tests. :type test: NodeNG or None :param body: The contents of the block. :type body: list(NodeNG) or None :param orelse: The contents of the ``else`` block. :type orelse: list(NodeNG) or None """ self.test = test self.body = body self.orelse = orelse
@decorators.cachedproperty def blockstart_tolineno(self): """The line on which the beginning of this block ends. :type: int """ return self.test.tolineno
[docs] def block_range(self, lineno): """Get a range from the given line number to where this node ends. :param lineno: The line number to start the range at. :type lineno: int :returns: The range of line numbers that this node belongs to, starting at the given line number. :rtype: tuple(int, int) """ if lineno == self.body[0].fromlineno: return lineno, lineno if lineno <= self.body[-1].tolineno: return lineno, self.body[-1].tolineno return self._elsed_block_range(lineno, self.orelse, self.body[0].fromlineno - 1)
[docs] def get_children(self): yield self.test yield from self.body yield from self.orelse
[docs] def has_elif_block(self): return len(self.orelse) == 1 and isinstance(self.orelse[0], If)
def _get_yield_nodes_skip_lambdas(self): """An If node can contain a Yield node in the test""" yield from self.test._get_yield_nodes_skip_lambdas() yield from super()._get_yield_nodes_skip_lambdas()
[docs]class IfExp(NodeNG): """Class representing an :class:`ast.IfExp` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('value if condition else other') >>> node <IfExp l.1 at 0x7f23b2e9dbe0> """ _astroid_fields = ("test", "body", "orelse") test = None """The condition that the statement tests. :type: NodeNG or None """ body = None """The contents of the block. :type: list(NodeNG) or None """ orelse = None """The contents of the ``else`` block. :type: list(NodeNG) or None """
[docs] def postinit(self, test=None, body=None, orelse=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param test: The condition that the statement tests. :type test: NodeNG or None :param body: The contents of the block. :type body: list(NodeNG) or None :param orelse: The contents of the ``else`` block. :type orelse: list(NodeNG) or None """ self.test = test self.body = body self.orelse = orelse
[docs] def get_children(self): yield self.test yield self.body yield self.orelse
[docs] def op_left_associative(self): # `1 if True else 2 if False else 3` is parsed as # `1 if True else (2 if False else 3)` return False
[docs]class Import(mixins.NoChildrenMixin, mixins.ImportFromMixin, Statement): """Class representing an :class:`ast.Import` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('import astroid') >>> node <Import l.1 at 0x7f23b2e4e5c0> """ _other_fields = ("names",) def __init__(self, names=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): """ :param names: The names being imported. :type names: list(tuple(str, str or None)) or None :param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code. :type lineno: int or None :param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the source code. :type col_offset: int or None :param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree. :type parent: NodeNG or None """ self.names = names """The names being imported. Each entry is a :class:`tuple` of the name being imported, and the alias that the name is assigned to (if any). :type: list(tuple(str, str or None)) or None """ super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent)
[docs]class Index(NodeNG): """Class representing an :class:`ast.Index` node. An :class:`Index` is a simple subscript. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('things[1]') >>> node <Subscript l.1 at 0x7f23b2e9e2b0> >>> node.slice <Index l.1 at 0x7f23b2e9e6a0> """ _astroid_fields = ("value",) value = None """The value to subscript with. :type: NodeNG or None """
[docs] def postinit(self, value=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param value: The value to subscript with. :type value: NodeNG or None """ self.value = value
[docs] def get_children(self): yield self.value
[docs]class Keyword(NodeNG): """Class representing an :class:`ast.keyword` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('function(a_kwarg=True)') >>> node <Call l.1 at 0x7f23b2e9e320> >>> node.keywords [<Keyword l.1 at 0x7f23b2e9e9b0>] """ _astroid_fields = ("value",) _other_fields = ("arg",) value = None """The value being assigned to the keyword argument. :type: NodeNG or None """ def __init__(self, arg=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): """ :param arg: The argument being assigned to. :type arg: Name or None :param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code. :type lineno: int or None :param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the source code. :type col_offset: int or None :param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree. :type parent: NodeNG or None """ self.arg = arg """The argument being assigned to. :type: Name or None """ super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent)
[docs] def postinit(self, value=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param value: The value being assigned to the ketword argument. :type value: NodeNG or None """ self.value = value
[docs] def get_children(self): yield self.value
[docs]class List(_BaseContainer): """Class representing an :class:`ast.List` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('[1, 2, 3]') >>> node <List.list l.1 at 0x7f23b2e9e128> """ _other_fields = ("ctx",) def __init__(self, ctx=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): """ :param ctx: Whether the list is assigned to or loaded from. :type ctx: Context or None :param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code. :type lineno: int or None :param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the source code. :type col_offset: int or None :param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree. :type parent: NodeNG or None """ self.ctx = ctx """Whether the list is assigned to or loaded from. :type: Context or None """ super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent)
[docs] def pytype(self): """Get the name of the type that this node represents. :returns: The name of the type. :rtype: str """ return "%s.list" % BUILTINS
[docs] def getitem(self, index, context=None): """Get an item from this node. :param index: The node to use as a subscript index. :type index: Const or Slice """ return _container_getitem(self, self.elts, index, context=context)
[docs]class Nonlocal(mixins.NoChildrenMixin, Statement): """Class representing an :class:`ast.Nonlocal` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node(''' def function(): nonlocal var ''') >>> node <FunctionDef.function l.2 at 0x7f23b2e9e208> >>> node.body[0] <Nonlocal l.3 at 0x7f23b2e9e908> """ _other_fields = ("names",) def __init__(self, names, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): """ :param names: The names being declared as not local. :type names: list(str) :param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code. :type lineno: int or None :param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the source code. :type col_offset: int or None :param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree. :type parent: NodeNG or None """ self.names = names """The names being declared as not local. :type: list(str) """ super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent) def _infer_name(self, frame, name): return name
[docs]class Pass(mixins.NoChildrenMixin, Statement): """Class representing an :class:`ast.Pass` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('pass') >>> node <Pass l.1 at 0x7f23b2e9e748> """
[docs]class Print(Statement): """Class representing an :class:`ast.Print` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('print "A message"') >>> node <Print l.1 at 0x7f0e8101d290> """ _astroid_fields = ("dest", "values") dest = None """Where to print to. :type: NodeNG or None """ values = None """What to print. :type: list(NodeNG) or None """ def __init__(self, nl=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): """ :param nl: Whether to print a new line. :type nl: bool or None :param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code. :type lineno: int or None :param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the source code. :type col_offset: int or None :param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree. :type parent: NodeNG or None """ = nl """Whether to print a new line. :type: bool or None """ super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent)
[docs] def postinit(self, dest=None, values=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param dest: Where to print to. :type dest: NodeNG or None :param values: What to print. :type values: list(NodeNG) or None """ self.dest = dest self.values = values
[docs]class Raise(Statement): """Class representing an :class:`ast.Raise` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('raise RuntimeError("Something bad happened!")') >>> node <Raise l.1 at 0x7f23b2e9e828> """ exc = None """What is being raised. :type: NodeNG or None """ _astroid_fields = ("exc", "cause") cause = None """The exception being used to raise this one. :type: NodeNG or None """
[docs] def postinit(self, exc=None, cause=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param exc: What is being raised. :type exc: NodeNG or None :param cause: The exception being used to raise this one. :type cause: NodeNG or None """ self.exc = exc self.cause = cause
[docs] def raises_not_implemented(self): """Check if this node raises a :class:`NotImplementedError`. :returns: True if this node raises a :class:`NotImplementedError`, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ if not self.exc: return False for name in self.exc._get_name_nodes(): if == "NotImplementedError": return True return False
[docs] def get_children(self): if self.exc is not None: yield self.exc if self.cause is not None: yield self.cause
[docs]class Return(Statement): """Class representing an :class:`ast.Return` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('return True') >>> node <Return l.1 at 0x7f23b8211908> """ _astroid_fields = ("value",) value = None """The value being returned. :type: NodeNG or None """
[docs] def postinit(self, value=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param value: The value being returned. :type value: NodeNG or None """ self.value = value
[docs] def get_children(self): if self.value is not None: yield self.value
[docs] def is_tuple_return(self): return isinstance(self.value, Tuple)
def _get_return_nodes_skip_functions(self): yield self
[docs]class Set(_BaseContainer): """Class representing an :class:`ast.Set` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('{1, 2, 3}') >>> node <Set.set l.1 at 0x7f23b2e71d68> """
[docs] def pytype(self): """Get the name of the type that this node represents. :returns: The name of the type. :rtype: str """ return "%s.set" % BUILTINS
[docs]class Slice(NodeNG): """Class representing an :class:`ast.Slice` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('things[1:3]') >>> node <Subscript l.1 at 0x7f23b2e71f60> >>> node.slice <Slice l.1 at 0x7f23b2e71e80> """ _astroid_fields = ("lower", "upper", "step") lower = None """The lower index in the slice. :type: NodeNG or None """ upper = None """The upper index in the slice. :type: NodeNG or None """ step = None """The step to take between indexes. :type: NodeNG or None """
[docs] def postinit(self, lower=None, upper=None, step=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param lower: The lower index in the slice. :value lower: NodeNG or None :param upper: The upper index in the slice. :value upper: NodeNG or None :param step: The step to take between index. :param step: NodeNG or None """ self.lower = lower self.upper = upper self.step = step
def _wrap_attribute(self, attr): """Wrap the empty attributes of the Slice in a Const node.""" if not attr: const = const_factory(attr) const.parent = self return const return attr @decorators.cachedproperty def _proxied(self): builtins = MANAGER.builtins_module return builtins.getattr("slice")[0]
[docs] def pytype(self): """Get the name of the type that this node represents. :returns: The name of the type. :rtype: str """ return "%s.slice" % BUILTINS
[docs] def igetattr(self, attrname, context=None): """Infer the possible values of the given attribute on the slice. :param attrname: The name of the attribute to infer. :type attrname: str :returns: The inferred possible values. :rtype: iterable(NodeNG) """ if attrname == "start": yield self._wrap_attribute(self.lower) elif attrname == "stop": yield self._wrap_attribute(self.upper) elif attrname == "step": yield self._wrap_attribute(self.step) else: yield from self.getattr(attrname, context=context)
[docs] def getattr(self, attrname, context=None): return self._proxied.getattr(attrname, context)
[docs] def get_children(self): if self.lower is not None: yield self.lower if self.upper is not None: yield self.upper if self.step is not None: yield self.step
[docs]class Starred(mixins.ParentAssignTypeMixin, NodeNG): """Class representing an :class:`ast.Starred` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('*args') >>> node <Starred l.1 at 0x7f23b2e41978> """ _astroid_fields = ("value",) _other_fields = ("ctx",) value = None """What is being unpacked. :type: NodeNG or None """ def __init__(self, ctx=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): """ :param ctx: Whether the list is assigned to or loaded from. :type ctx: Context or None :param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code. :type lineno: int or None :param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the source code. :type col_offset: int or None :param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree. :type parent: NodeNG or None """ self.ctx = ctx """Whether the starred item is assigned to or loaded from. :type: Context or None """ super().__init__(lineno=lineno, col_offset=col_offset, parent=parent)
[docs] def postinit(self, value=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param value: What is being unpacked. :type value: NodeNG or None """ self.value = value
[docs] def get_children(self): yield self.value
[docs]class Subscript(NodeNG): """Class representing an :class:`ast.Subscript` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('things[1:3]') >>> node <Subscript l.1 at 0x7f23b2e71f60> """ _astroid_fields = ("value", "slice") _other_fields = ("ctx",) value = None """What is being indexed. :type: NodeNG or None """ slice = None """The slice being used to lookup. :type: NodeNG or None """ def __init__(self, ctx=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): """ :param ctx: Whether the subscripted item is assigned to or loaded from. :type ctx: Context or None :param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code. :type lineno: int or None :param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the source code. :type col_offset: int or None :param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree. :type parent: NodeNG or None """ self.ctx = ctx """Whether the subscripted item is assigned to or loaded from. :type: Context or None """ super().__init__(lineno=lineno, col_offset=col_offset, parent=parent) # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin; had to use the same name as builtin ast module.
[docs] def postinit(self, value=None, slice=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param value: What is being indexed. :type value: NodeNG or None :param slice: The slice being used to lookup. :type slice: NodeNG or None """ self.value = value self.slice = slice
[docs] def get_children(self): yield self.value yield self.slice
[docs]class TryExcept(mixins.MultiLineBlockMixin, mixins.BlockRangeMixIn, Statement): """Class representing an :class:`ast.TryExcept` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node(''' try: do_something() except Exception as error: print("Error!") ''') >>> node <TryExcept l.2 at 0x7f23b2e9d908> """ _astroid_fields = ("body", "handlers", "orelse") _multi_line_block_fields = ("body", "handlers", "orelse") body = None """The contents of the block to catch exceptions from. :type: list(NodeNG) or None """ handlers = None """The exception handlers. :type: list(ExceptHandler) or None """ orelse = None """The contents of the ``else`` block. :type: list(NodeNG) or None """
[docs] def postinit(self, body=None, handlers=None, orelse=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param body: The contents of the block to catch exceptions from. :type body: list(NodeNG) or None :param handlers: The exception handlers. :type handlers: list(ExceptHandler) or None :param orelse: The contents of the ``else`` block. :type orelse: list(NodeNG) or None """ self.body = body self.handlers = handlers self.orelse = orelse
def _infer_name(self, frame, name): return name
[docs] def block_range(self, lineno): """Get a range from the given line number to where this node ends. :param lineno: The line number to start the range at. :type lineno: int :returns: The range of line numbers that this node belongs to, starting at the given line number. :rtype: tuple(int, int) """ last = None for exhandler in self.handlers: if exhandler.type and lineno == exhandler.type.fromlineno: return lineno, lineno if exhandler.body[0].fromlineno <= lineno <= exhandler.body[-1].tolineno: return lineno, exhandler.body[-1].tolineno if last is None: last = exhandler.body[0].fromlineno - 1 return self._elsed_block_range(lineno, self.orelse, last)
[docs] def get_children(self): yield from self.body yield from self.handlers or () yield from self.orelse or ()
[docs]class TryFinally(mixins.MultiLineBlockMixin, mixins.BlockRangeMixIn, Statement): """Class representing an :class:`ast.TryFinally` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node(''' try: do_something() except Exception as error: print("Error!") finally: print("Cleanup!") ''') >>> node <TryFinally l.2 at 0x7f23b2e41d68> """ _astroid_fields = ("body", "finalbody") _multi_line_block_fields = ("body", "finalbody") body = None """The try-except that the finally is attached to. :type: list(TryExcept) or None """ finalbody = None """The contents of the ``finally`` block. :type: list(NodeNG) or None """
[docs] def postinit(self, body=None, finalbody=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param body: The try-except that the finally is attached to. :type body: list(TryExcept) or None :param finalbody: The contents of the ``finally`` block. :type finalbody: list(NodeNG) or None """ self.body = body self.finalbody = finalbody
[docs] def block_range(self, lineno): """Get a range from the given line number to where this node ends. :param lineno: The line number to start the range at. :type lineno: int :returns: The range of line numbers that this node belongs to, starting at the given line number. :rtype: tuple(int, int) """ child = self.body[0] # py2.5 try: except: finally: if ( isinstance(child, TryExcept) and child.fromlineno == self.fromlineno and child.tolineno >= lineno > self.fromlineno ): return child.block_range(lineno) return self._elsed_block_range(lineno, self.finalbody)
[docs] def get_children(self): yield from self.body yield from self.finalbody
[docs]class Tuple(_BaseContainer): """Class representing an :class:`ast.Tuple` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('(1, 2, 3)') >>> node <Tuple.tuple l.1 at 0x7f23b2e41780> """ _other_fields = ("ctx",) def __init__(self, ctx=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): """ :param ctx: Whether the tuple is assigned to or loaded from. :type ctx: Context or None :param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code. :type lineno: int or None :param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the source code. :type col_offset: int or None :param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree. :type parent: NodeNG or None """ self.ctx = ctx """Whether the tuple is assigned to or loaded from. :type: Context or None """ super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent)
[docs] def pytype(self): """Get the name of the type that this node represents. :returns: The name of the type. :rtype: str """ return "%s.tuple" % BUILTINS
[docs] def getitem(self, index, context=None): """Get an item from this node. :param index: The node to use as a subscript index. :type index: Const or Slice """ return _container_getitem(self, self.elts, index, context=context)
[docs]class UnaryOp(NodeNG): """Class representing an :class:`ast.UnaryOp` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('-5') >>> node <UnaryOp l.1 at 0x7f23b2e4e198> """ _astroid_fields = ("operand",) _other_fields = ("op",) operand = None """What the unary operator is applied to. :type: NodeNG or None """ def __init__(self, op=None, lineno=None, col_offset=None, parent=None): """ :param op: The operator. :type: str or None :param lineno: The line that this node appears on in the source code. :type lineno: int or None :param col_offset: The column that this node appears on in the source code. :type col_offset: int or None :param parent: The parent node in the syntax tree. :type parent: NodeNG or None """ self.op = op """The operator. :type: str or None """ super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent)
[docs] def postinit(self, operand=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param operand: What the unary operator is applied to. :type operand: NodeNG or None """ self.operand = operand
# This is set by def _infer_unaryop(self, context=None): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def type_errors(self, context=None): """Get a list of type errors which can occur during inference. Each TypeError is represented by a :class:`BadBinaryOperationMessage`, which holds the original exception. :returns: The list of possible type errors. :rtype: list(BadBinaryOperationMessage) """ try: results = self._infer_unaryop(context=context) return [ result for result in results if isinstance(result, util.BadUnaryOperationMessage) ] except exceptions.InferenceError: return []
[docs] def get_children(self): yield self.operand
[docs] def op_precedence(self): if self.op == "not": return OP_PRECEDENCE[self.op] return super().op_precedence()
[docs]class While(mixins.MultiLineBlockMixin, mixins.BlockRangeMixIn, Statement): """Class representing an :class:`ast.While` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node(''' while condition(): print("True") ''') >>> node <While l.2 at 0x7f23b2e4e390> """ _astroid_fields = ("test", "body", "orelse") _multi_line_block_fields = ("body", "orelse") test = None """The condition that the loop tests. :type: NodeNG or None """ body = None """The contents of the loop. :type: list(NodeNG) or None """ orelse = None """The contents of the ``else`` block. :type: list(NodeNG) or None """
[docs] def postinit(self, test=None, body=None, orelse=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param test: The condition that the loop tests. :type test: NodeNG or None :param body: The contents of the loop. :type body: list(NodeNG) or None :param orelse: The contents of the ``else`` block. :type orelse: list(NodeNG) or None """ self.test = test self.body = body self.orelse = orelse
@decorators.cachedproperty def blockstart_tolineno(self): """The line on which the beginning of this block ends. :type: int """ return self.test.tolineno
[docs] def block_range(self, lineno): """Get a range from the given line number to where this node ends. :param lineno: The line number to start the range at. :type lineno: int :returns: The range of line numbers that this node belongs to, starting at the given line number. :rtype: tuple(int, int) """ return self._elsed_block_range(lineno, self.orelse)
[docs] def get_children(self): yield self.test yield from self.body yield from self.orelse
def _get_yield_nodes_skip_lambdas(self): """A While node can contain a Yield node in the test""" yield from self.test._get_yield_nodes_skip_lambdas() yield from super()._get_yield_nodes_skip_lambdas()
[docs]class With( mixins.MultiLineBlockMixin, mixins.BlockRangeMixIn, mixins.AssignTypeMixin, Statement, ): """Class representing an :class:`ast.With` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node(''' with open(file_path) as file_: print( ''') >>> node <With l.2 at 0x7f23b2e4e710> """ _astroid_fields = ("items", "body") _other_other_fields = ("type_annotation",) _multi_line_block_fields = ("body",) items = None """The pairs of context managers and the names they are assigned to. :type: list(tuple(NodeNG, AssignName or None)) or None """ body = None """The contents of the ``with`` block. :type: list(NodeNG) or None """ type_annotation = None """If present, this will contain the type annotation passed by a type comment :type: NodeNG or None """
[docs] def postinit(self, items=None, body=None, type_annotation=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param items: The pairs of context managers and the names they are assigned to. :type items: list(tuple(NodeNG, AssignName or None)) or None :param body: The contents of the ``with`` block. :type body: list(NodeNG) or None """ self.items = items self.body = body self.type_annotation = type_annotation
@decorators.cachedproperty def blockstart_tolineno(self): """The line on which the beginning of this block ends. :type: int """ return self.items[-1][0].tolineno
[docs] def get_children(self): """Get the child nodes below this node. :returns: The children. :rtype: iterable(NodeNG) """ for expr, var in self.items: yield expr if var: yield var yield from self.body
[docs]class AsyncWith(With): """Asynchronous ``with`` built with the ``async`` keyword."""
[docs]class Yield(NodeNG): """Class representing an :class:`ast.Yield` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('yield True') >>> node <Yield l.1 at 0x7f23b2e4e5f8> """ _astroid_fields = ("value",) value = None """The value to yield. :type: NodeNG or None """
[docs] def postinit(self, value=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param value: The value to yield. :type value: NodeNG or None """ self.value = value
[docs] def get_children(self): if self.value is not None: yield self.value
def _get_yield_nodes_skip_lambdas(self): yield self
[docs]class YieldFrom(Yield): """Class representing an :class:`ast.YieldFrom` node."""
[docs]class DictUnpack(mixins.NoChildrenMixin, NodeNG): """Represents the unpacking of dicts into dicts using :pep:`448`."""
[docs]class FormattedValue(NodeNG): """Class representing an :class:`ast.FormattedValue` node. Represents a :pep:`498` format string. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('f"Format {type_}"') >>> node <JoinedStr l.1 at 0x7f23b2e4ed30> >>> node.values [<Const.str l.1 at 0x7f23b2e4eda0>, <FormattedValue l.1 at 0x7f23b2e4edd8>] """ _astroid_fields = ("value", "format_spec") value = None """The value to be formatted into the string. :type: NodeNG or None """ conversion = None """The type of formatting to be applied to the value. .. seealso:: :class:`ast.FormattedValue` :type: int or None """ format_spec = None """The formatting to be applied to the value. .. seealso:: :class:`ast.FormattedValue` :type: JoinedStr or None """
[docs] def postinit(self, value, conversion=None, format_spec=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param value: The value to be formatted into the string. :type value: NodeNG :param conversion: The type of formatting to be applied to the value. :type conversion: int or None :param format_spec: The formatting to be applied to the value. :type format_spec: JoinedStr or None """ self.value = value self.conversion = conversion self.format_spec = format_spec
[docs] def get_children(self): yield self.value if self.format_spec is not None: yield self.format_spec
[docs]class JoinedStr(NodeNG): """Represents a list of string expressions to be joined. >>> node = astroid.extract_node('f"Format {type_}"') >>> node <JoinedStr l.1 at 0x7f23b2e4ed30> """ _astroid_fields = ("values",) values = None """The string expressions to be joined. :type: list(FormattedValue or Const) or None """
[docs] def postinit(self, values=None): """Do some setup after initialisation. :param value: The string expressions to be joined. :type: list(FormattedValue or Const) or None """ self.values = values
[docs] def get_children(self): yield from self.values
class NamedExpr(mixins.AssignTypeMixin, NodeNG): """Represents the assignment from the assignment expression >>> module = astroid.parse('if a := 1: pass') >>> module.body[0].test <NamedExpr l.1 at 0x7f23b2e4ed30> """ _astroid_fields = ("target", "value") target = None """The assignment target :type: Name """ value = None """The value that gets assigned in the expression :type: NodeNG """ def postinit(self, target, value): = target self.value = value
[docs]class Unknown(mixins.AssignTypeMixin, NodeNG): """This node represents a node in a constructed AST where introspection is not possible. At the moment, it's only used in the args attribute of FunctionDef nodes where function signature introspection failed. """ name = "Unknown"
[docs] def qname(self): return "Unknown"
[docs] def infer(self, context=None, **kwargs): """Inference on an Unknown node immediately terminates.""" yield util.Uninferable
class EvaluatedObject(NodeNG): """Contains an object that has already been inferred This class is useful to pre-evaluate a particular node, with the resulting class acting as the non-evaluated node. """ name = "EvaluatedObject" _astroid_fields = ("original",) _other_fields = ("value",) original = None """The original node that has already been evaluated :type: NodeNG """ value = None """The inferred value :type: Union[Uninferable, NodeNG] """ def __init__(self, original, value): self.original = original self.value = value super().__init__( lineno=self.original.lineno, col_offset=self.original.col_offset, parent=self.original.parent, ) def infer(self, context=None, **kwargs): yield self.value # Pattern matching #######################################################
[docs]class Match(Statement): """Class representing a :class:`ast.Match` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node(''' match x: case 200: ... case _: ... ''') >>> node <Match l.2 at 0x10c24e170> """ _astroid_fields = ("subject", "cases") subject: typing.Optional[NodeNG] = None cases: typing.Optional[typing.List["MatchCase"]] = None
[docs] def postinit( self, *, subject: typing.Optional[NodeNG] = None, cases: typing.Optional[typing.List["MatchCase"]] = None, ) -> None: self.subject = subject self.cases = cases
[docs] def get_children(self) -> typing.Generator[NodeNG, None, None]: if self.subject is not None: yield self.subject if self.cases is not None: yield from self.cases
[docs]class MatchCase(NodeNG): """Class representing a :class:`ast.match_case` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node(''' match x: case 200: ... ''') >>> node.cases[0] <MatchCase l.3 at 0x10c24e590> """ _astroid_fields = ("pattern", "guard", "body") pattern: typing.Optional["PatternTypes"] = None guard: typing.Optional[NodeNG] = None # can actually be None body: typing.Optional[typing.List[NodeNG]] = None
[docs] def postinit( self, *, pattern=None, guard: typing.Optional[NodeNG] = None, body: typing.Optional[typing.List[NodeNG]] = None, ) -> None: self.pattern = pattern self.guard = guard self.body = body
[docs] def get_children(self) -> typing.Generator[NodeNG, None, None]: if self.pattern is not None: yield self.pattern if self.guard is not None: yield self.guard if self.body is not None: yield from self.body
[docs]class MatchValue(NodeNG): """Class representing a :class:`ast.MatchValue` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node(''' match x: case 200: ... ''') >>> node.cases[0].pattern <MatchValue l.3 at 0x10c24e200> """ _astroid_fields = ("value",) value: typing.Optional[NodeNG] = None
[docs] def postinit(self, *, value: NodeNG) -> None: self.value = value
[docs] def get_children(self) -> typing.Generator[NodeNG, None, None]: if self.value is not None: yield self.value
[docs]class MatchSingleton(mixins.NoChildrenMixin, NodeNG): """Class representing a :class:`ast.MatchSingleton` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node(''' match x: case True: ... case False: ... case None: ... ''') >>> node.cases[0].pattern <MatchSingleton l.3 at 0x10c2282e0> >>> node.cases[1].pattern <MatchSingleton l.5 at 0x10c228af0> >>> node.cases[2].pattern <MatchSingleton l.7 at 0x10c229f90> """ _other_fields = ("value",) def __init__( self, lineno: int, col_offset: int, parent: NodeNG, *, value: Literal[True, False, None], ) -> None: self.value = value super().__init__(lineno, col_offset, parent)
[docs]class MatchSequence(NodeNG): """Class representing a :class:`ast.MatchSequence` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node(''' match x: case [1, 2]: ... case (1, 2, *_): ... ''') >>> node.cases[0].pattern <MatchSequence l.3 at 0x10ca80d00> >>> node.cases[1].pattern <MatchSequence l.5 at 0x10ca80b20> """ _astroid_fields = ("patterns",) patterns: typing.Optional[typing.List["PatternTypes"]] = None
[docs] def postinit( self, *, patterns: typing.Optional[typing.List["PatternTypes"]] ) -> None: self.patterns = patterns
[docs] def get_children(self) -> typing.Generator["PatternTypes", None, None]: if self.patterns is not None: yield from self.patterns
[docs]class MatchMapping(mixins.AssignTypeMixin, NodeNG): """Class representing a :class:`ast.MatchMapping` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node(''' match x: case {1: "Hello", 2: "World", 3: _, **rest}: ... ''') >>> node.cases[0].pattern <MatchMapping l.3 at 0x10c8a8850> """ _astroid_fields = ("keys", "patterns", "rest") keys: typing.Optional[typing.List[NodeNG]] = None patterns: typing.Optional[typing.List["PatternTypes"]] = None rest: typing.Optional[AssignName] = None
[docs] def postinit( self, *, keys=None, patterns: typing.Optional[typing.List["PatternTypes"]] = None, rest: typing.Optional[AssignName] = None, ) -> None: self.keys = keys self.patterns = patterns = rest
[docs] def get_children(self) -> typing.Generator[NodeNG, None, None]: if self.keys is not None: yield from self.keys if self.patterns is not None: yield from self.patterns if is not None: yield
[docs]class MatchClass(NodeNG): """Class representing a :class:`ast.MatchClass` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node(''' match x: case Point2D(0, 0): ... case Point3D(x=0, y=0, z=0): ... ''') >>> node.cases[0].pattern <MatchClass l.3 at 0x10ca83940> >>> node.cases[1].pattern <MatchClass l.5 at 0x10ca80880> """ _astroid_fields = ("cls", "patterns", "kwd_attrs", "kwd_patterns") cls: typing.Optional[NodeNG] = None patterns: typing.Optional[typing.List["PatternTypes"]] = None kwd_attrs: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None kwd_patterns: typing.Optional[typing.List["PatternTypes"]] = None
[docs] def postinit( self, *, cls: typing.Optional[NodeNG] = None, patterns: typing.Optional[typing.List["PatternTypes"]] = None, kwd_attrs: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None, kwd_patterns: typing.Optional[typing.List["PatternTypes"]] = None, ) -> None: self.cls = cls self.patterns = patterns self.kwd_attrs = kwd_attrs self.kwd_patterns = kwd_patterns
[docs] def get_children(self) -> typing.Generator[NodeNG, None, None]: if self.cls is not None: yield self.cls if self.patterns is not None: yield from self.patterns if self.kwd_patterns is not None: yield from self.kwd_patterns
[docs]class MatchStar(mixins.AssignTypeMixin, NodeNG): """Class representing a :class:`ast.MatchStar` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node(''' match x: case [1, *_]: ... ''') >>> node.cases[0].pattern.patterns[1] <MatchStar l.3 at 0x10ca809a0> """ _astroid_fields = ("name",) name: typing.Optional[AssignName] = None
[docs] def postinit(self, *, name: typing.Optional[AssignName] = None) -> None: = name
[docs] def get_children(self) -> typing.Generator[AssignName, None, None]: if is not None: yield
[docs]class MatchAs(mixins.AssignTypeMixin, NodeNG): """Class representing a :class:`ast.MatchAs` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node(''' match x: case [1, a]: ... case {'key': b}: ... case Point2D(0, 0) as c: ... case d: ... ''') >>> node.cases[0].pattern.patterns[1] <MatchAs l.3 at 0x10d0b2da0> >>> node.cases[1].pattern.patterns[0] <MatchAs l.5 at 0x10d0b2920> >>> node.cases[2].pattern <MatchAs l.7 at 0x10d0b06a0> >>> node.cases[3].pattern <MatchAs l.9 at 0x10d09b880> """ _astroid_fields = ("pattern", "name") pattern: typing.Optional["PatternTypes"] = None name: typing.Optional[AssignName] = None
[docs] def postinit( self, *, pattern: typing.Optional["PatternTypes"] = None, name: typing.Optional[AssignName] = None, ) -> None: self.pattern = pattern = name
[docs] def get_children( self, ) -> typing.Generator[typing.Union[AssignName, "PatternTypes"], None, None]: if self.pattern is not None: yield self.pattern if is not None: yield
[docs]class MatchOr(NodeNG): """Class representing a :class:`ast.MatchOr` node. >>> node = astroid.extract_node(''' match x: case 400 | 401 | 402: ... ''') >>> node.cases[0].pattern <MatchOr l.3 at 0x10d0b0b50> """ _astroid_fields = ("patterns",) patterns: typing.Optional[typing.List["PatternTypes"]] = None
[docs] def postinit( self, *, patterns: typing.Optional[typing.List["PatternTypes"]] ) -> None: self.patterns = patterns
[docs] def get_children(self) -> typing.Generator["PatternTypes", None, None]: if self.patterns is not None: yield from self.patterns
PatternTypes = typing.Union[ MatchValue, MatchSingleton, MatchSequence, MatchMapping, MatchClass, MatchStar, MatchAs, MatchOr, ] # constants ############################################################## CONST_CLS = { list: List, tuple: Tuple, dict: Dict, set: Set, type(None): Const, type(NotImplemented): Const, } if PY38: CONST_CLS[type(...)] = Const def _update_const_classes(): """update constant classes, so the keys of CONST_CLS can be reused""" klasses = (bool, int, float, complex, str, bytes) for kls in klasses: CONST_CLS[kls] = Const _update_const_classes() def _two_step_initialization(cls, value): instance = cls() instance.postinit(value) return instance def _dict_initialization(cls, value): if isinstance(value, dict): value = tuple(value.items()) return _two_step_initialization(cls, value) _CONST_CLS_CONSTRUCTORS = { List: _two_step_initialization, Tuple: _two_step_initialization, Dict: _dict_initialization, Set: _two_step_initialization, Const: lambda cls, value: cls(value), } def const_factory(value): """return an astroid node for a python value""" # XXX we should probably be stricter here and only consider stuff in # CONST_CLS or do better treatment: in case where value is not in CONST_CLS, # we should rather recall the builder on this value than returning an empty # node (another option being that const_factory shouldn't be called with something # not in CONST_CLS) assert not isinstance(value, NodeNG) # Hack for ignoring elements of a sequence # or a mapping, in order to avoid transforming # each element to an AST. This is fixed in 2.0 # and this approach is a temporary hack. if isinstance(value, (list, set, tuple, dict)): elts = [] else: elts = value try: initializer_cls = CONST_CLS[value.__class__] initializer = _CONST_CLS_CONSTRUCTORS[initializer_cls] return initializer(initializer_cls, elts) except (KeyError, AttributeError): node = EmptyNode() node.object = value return node def is_from_decorator(node): """Return True if the given node is the child of a decorator""" parent = node.parent while parent is not None: if isinstance(parent, Decorators): return True parent = parent.parent return False